New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

Storewide Sale

Storewide Sale empowers store owners to set a discount offer for selling products by category for specific date and time. It allows you to sell your products on special occasions such as independence day and other occasions.


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  • After downloading the plugin from WooCommerce follow the below instructions to install & activate the plugin.
  • Login to your WordPress website dashboard.
  • Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  • Click the Upload Plugin button at the top of the screen.
  • Upload the file you’ve downloaded from dashboard.
  • Install and Activate the plugin.

Setup and Configuration

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How to set up Storewide Sale

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After installing & activating the extension, please find the extension in the admin menu.

Storewide – General Settings

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Storewide General Settings In the general settings of the extension you can see the following settings. Override Individual Sale: You can choose single option for Override Individual Sale from the following.
  • Do not override the sale applied at the product level.
  • Apply both sales applied at product level & with a new storewide sale.
  • Override the sale applied at the product level with a new storewide sale.

Storewide – Global Sale Settings

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Storewide Global Settings The global sale settings tab contains the following settings. Enable Storewide Sale: When you enable a storewide option for sale, it will appear on the front-end. Sale Amount: Admin can set discount amounts for products, categories or product tags. Sale Type: For selling product choose an option as a percentage or a fixed amount. Sale Start & End Date: The start & end option allows you to select a date for sale product items.

Storewide – Control Settings

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Storewid Control Settings The control settings tab allows you to see the following settings. Include/Exclude Products: Store owners can choose the products option to include or exclude products for the site sale. Include/Exclude Product Categories: Select products option to include or exclude product categories for the site sale. Include/Exclude Product Tags: Admin can Choose product tags to exclude product tags for site sale.

Storewide – Notification Settings

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Storewide Notification Settings In the notification settings tab, you will see the following settings. Enable Sitewide Sale Notification: Admin can set option enable/disable for sitewide sale notification. This option allows you to display sale notifications for all web pages. Notification Content: You can enter custom sale notification text, and you can use the {start_date}, {end_date} & {amount} for dynamic data. Notification Position: Adjust the display position of the notification on the front-end at top or bottom of the page. Notification Background Color: You can choose the custom notification background color. Notification Font Color: Choose the custom font color of the sale notification.

Storewide – Category Settings

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storewide sale category sale It contians the following settings: Name: Add the name of the category appear on your site. Enable Storewide Sale: Store owner can enable or disable storewide sale by category. Sale Amount: Admin can set the sale amount for sale. Sale Type: However, you have to options to  sale. Provide sale in percentage Provide sale in fixed value. Sale Start Date: Mention the start date for availability of the sale. Sale End Date: Add the end date for the unavailability of the Storewide.