Wholesale for WooCommerce

Wholesale for WooCommerce helps WooCommerce stores create and manage wholesale prices, multiple wholesale user roles, user registration forms, product and price visibility, tax, payment and shipping methods, and much more.
  • Perfect for hybrid B2B+B2C businesses dealing with wholesale products and bulk pricing;
  • Create a private wholesale-only WooCommerce store – Password-protect your wholesale or private members area and hide products from the public;
  • Build a residual income stream – Generate recurring payments from your wholesale customers through subscription plans;
  • Easy-to-use back end interface that lets you manage your entire wholesale store’s settings;
  • Developer friendly & optimized – A lightweight extension that is well-documented and optimized according to the needs of an everyday user;

Documentation Contents

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Store Owner’s Guide

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Wholesale User Roles

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Wholesale Role

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Wholesale Products

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Wholesale Variations

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Wholesale Category Discounts

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Wholesale General Discounts

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Bundle and Composite Products

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Wholesale Pricing

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Wholesale Tier Pricing

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Wholesale Product & Price Visibility

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Wholesale Registration Form

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Sales Dashboard and Reports

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Private Store for WooCommerce

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Requisition List

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Tax Management

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Shipping and Payment Gateway Management

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Wholesale order filters

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Customization options

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Compatibility and integrations

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Q: How can I create a registration form for my wholesale customers?

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Ans: From your WordPress Dashboard, click on the Wholesale plugin tab followed by the Registration Settings option. You can simply enable the fields and set custom labels as per your requirements.

Q: How can I change the color, size, and label of my wholesale product prices?

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Ans: At the moment, you can change the text on your products’ price labels by going to the “settings” tab. You can change the size, color, and font of your product price labels by going to your main dashboard and selecting the “appearance” option. Then, select the “customize” option in the sub-menu and choose “Additional CSS”. You will have to create, change and manage custom CSS to change the size, color, and font of your pricing labels.

Q: Why are my users unable to see wholesale prices on my WooCommerce website?

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Ans: Make sure that your users have only a wholesaler role to see wholesale prices. If there is any other role added with their wholesaler role, the user will not be able to view the prices.

Q: How can I restrict retailers from seeing wholesale prices on my WooCommerce website?

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Ans: Retailers must apply through the wholesale registration form to become a wholesaler. Until then, retailers will not be able to see wholesale prices on your WooCommerce website.

Q: Why am I seeing a disabled field on my registration form?

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Ans: In this case, please clear the cache and check the registration form again in incognito mode.

Q: How can I access a file once it’s uploaded on the registration form?

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Ans: You can view the uploaded files under the user profile section on your WooCommerce website dashboard.

Q: Where will the registration form appear on my WooCommerce website?

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Ans: You will have to copy and paste the registration form shortcode on the “my account” page in order to see the registration form.

Q: How can I exempt wholesale user roles from paying taxes?

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Ans: Navigate to the “User Roles” tab under the Settings sub-menu and mark check on the Tax Exempt checkmark.

Q: How can I approve/reject registration forms manually?

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Ans: Navigate to the Wholesale for WooCommerce Plugin, then go to the “requests” section. Here, you will see your user registration form list. Select the user registration form and scroll down to the “Wholesale user role status” area. You can manually Approve or Reject by selecting the desired option.

Q: Why aren’t my users getting my approval email notification?

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Ans: Navigate to the Wholesale for WooCommerce plugin dashboard area ➜ Notifications ➜ Make sure that you have marked check on the “request approval” notification option and the “role request” notification option.

Q: How can I add and set bulk prices for a single user role?

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Ans: If you have selected the Multiple User Role options from settings, go to the “Products” section and select the desired product category. Here, you can set the wholesale prices and discount types. If you have selected the Single User Role option from settings, go to the “Products” section and click on the “select all” option to select all products. Here, you can set fixed or percentage price amounts.

Q: How can I set single or multiple user roles on my website?

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Ans: Navigate to the Wholesale for WooCommerce menu. Click on Settings and set the pricing mode to Single or Multiple Wholesale Role, depending upon your requirement.

Q: How can I set a minimum order quantity for my wholesale customers?

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Ans: First, you create variable products. Then, go to Products and select your desired Variable Product. Click on the “Variation” Tab ➜ Here, you can set the minimum order quantity for your wholesale customers.