eBay Sync for Australia

eBay Sync is a WordPress plugin developed by eBay Australia. If you have a WooCommerce store, eBay Sync allows you to list the products already in your WooCommerce store on eBay. You can then fulfill any orders received from eBay as if they were bought from your WooCommerce store. eBay Sync will integrate your WooCommerce store with eBay giving you full control over what your buyers see on the eBay marketplace and you will only need to manage inventory in one place – your WooCommerce store.
Note: This product is no longer for sale at WooCommerce.com. Documentation is not being updated. We recommend the Amazon and eBay Integration as a replacement.


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  1. Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File.
  3. Install Now and Activate the extension.
More information at: Install and Activate Plugins/Extensions.

Setup and Configuration

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1/ Go to eBay Sync in the WordPress Dashboard menu. 2/ Select I Agree if you wish to use the eBay Sync extension and consent to Terms of Use. ebaysync01 You should be taken to eBay Sync > Settings.

Connect your eBay account

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3/ Go to: eBay Sync > Settings > Account Settings. 4/ Select Connect under Account Details > Connect eBay Sync to your eBay Account. You’re taken to the eBay Australia website. Log in and select Agree to grant access. ebaysync02 Or, if you have not yet registered for an eBay account yet, select Join Here to get to the eBay registration page. Your account is now successfully connected. ebaysync03

Customize your store

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A red banner at the bottom prompts you: Now let’s customize your store. 5/ Select Next > 6/ Customize the look of your eBay store.
  • Change the logo by adding the URL of the logo or by uploading the file.
  • Choose to enable the short description of products under Product template (optional).
  • Select Use custom template if you wish to style your store. This opens a tab to add custom code and requires knowledge of CSS.
  • Save changes


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A red banner at the bottom prompts you with: Now let’s add a shipping method. 7/ Select Next > You need to define at least one shipping method. With eBay Sync, you have the option to add multiple shipping policies to fit different products. 8/ Choose the shipping methods and handling time for each shipping policy.
  • Standard Shipping Fee: Amount you want to charge for standard shipping service. Or select Free Shipping. Leaving it blank is not an option.
  • Express Shipping Fee: Amount you want to charge for express shipping service. Or select Free Shipping. Leaving it blank is not an option.
  • Handling time: Number of days it takes for your store to process and ship the order to the customer.
9/ Select the gear icon at the right top corner of the Shipping rule section. It’s possible to limit this shipping option to certain WooCommerce categories and products. ebaysync05 10/ Select Set as default shipping rule at the top right of the Shipping rule section, to make this the shipping default for all products that do not have a rule associated. To create more shipping rules, select + Create new shipping rule at the top right corner and repeat the above steps. ebaysync06 11/ Save Changes after you finish creating/editing your shipping rules.


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A red banner at the bottom prompts you with: Now let’s enter your returns information. 12/ Select Next > Buyers are more comfortable shopping with sellers who accept returns, even though most buyers never return an item. Items that have a clear returns policy typically sell better than items that do not. 13/ Choose to accept returns or not. 14/ Choose a refund option if you accept returns.
  • Money-back: Full refund.
  • Exchange: Receive another product.
  • Merchandise credit: Receive store credit.
15/ Select Who pays the return cost: Seller or buyer. 16/ Select the duration of the return policy. 17/ Save changes. ebaysync07


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A red banner at the bottom prompts you with: Now let’s map your categories. 18/ Select Next > eBay has a restricted number of categories, and you to need to manually connect each category to display your WooCommerce products in the right one. 19/ Select product categories you want to map to eBay, and then Map to eBay category > ebaysync09 20/ Choose the eBay category that fits best. ebaysync11 A red banner at the bottom prompts you with: Your store setup is almost complete! 21/ Select Sync to eBay to finalize setup. ebaysync12

Inventory and Optimization

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Go to eBay Sync > Dashboard to get an overview of elements that still need improvement.


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To receive payments via PayPal with eBay Sync, go to WooCommerce > Checkout > PayPal and enter your PayPal email address in the PayPal Email field. Skip this step if you already did this. eBay Sync will then pull your PayPal account email address from WooCommerce settings.


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WooCommerce products can only be fully synchronized with eBay if you enabled stock management on the individual product level. Go to WooCommerce > Products and select the products you want to edit. Go to Product Data > Inventory and enable Manage stock?
Note: For variable products, stock management needs to be enabled at the variation level AND the individual product level. This can be done under Product data > Variations

Title Optimization

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WooCommerce product titles are not yet optimized for eBay. The eBay search engine gives higher priority to listings with a relevant title. eBay Sync helps you create relevant titles for your eBay listings. Through this mechanism you can create rules like: {AWESOME} {PRODUCT NAME} - {COLOUR}. Being:
  • {AWESOME} is a free-text entry (you can create any)
  • {PRODUCT NAME} will be replaced by your WooCommerce product title
  • {COLOUR} will be replaced by the WooCommerce “COLOUR” (custom attribute) value
And associate this rule to multiple WooCommerce categories and products.
  1. Go to: eBay Sync > Title Optimization.
  2. Select + Create new title rule. By default, it creates a new rule with Product Name.

  3. Click “+” to add text to the title. A list of WooCommerce custom attributes and Add Text are displayed at the bottom of the menu.

  • If you want to create an attribute replacement rule, click the attribute you want.
  • If you want to create a free-text entry, click Add Text and then the white block and enter text.
  1. Drag-and-drop blocks to re-order the rules.

  2. Select the gear icon at the top right corner of the rule to associate the rule to WooCommerce categories and products.

  3. Select Set as Default to apply the rule to all products that do not have a higher priority rule associated.

7. Save Changes. ebaysync13

Store admin

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The Store admin section of settings is not part of the setup process because it uses defaults of your store. If you want to make a change, go to eBay Sync > Settings > Store admin. Available fields:

  • eCommerce store URL (cannot be edited): External URL of your WordPress site. This is used by eBay to inform your store of new orders. Use the Refresh button if you change the site address.
  • Refresh product feed: How often you want the automatic background inventory synchronization to happen?
  • Currency (cannot be edited): Your WooCommerce configured currency.
  • Timezone (cannot be edited): Your WooCommerce configured time zone.
  • Minimum stock buffer: Stock buffer for your eBay listings. All your eBay listings are created with a quantity of: [woocommerce product stock quantity] - [minimum stock buffer].
  • Store price adjustment: All your eBay listings are created with price: [woocommerce product price] + or - [store price adjustment percentage].
  • Default stock level: How much stock should be offered if there is no stock management on the product level.
  • Automatically create custom item specifics: If enabled, attributes are synced even if they aren’t mapped.
  • Automatically convert HTTPS images to HTTP: eBay uses HTTP for the URL of product images. Enable this to ensure product images are synced with eBay.
Save changes. ebaysync14


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Does eBay Sync support international shipping?

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eBay Sync does not currently support international shipping; this includes shipping to New Zealand.

How do I change my eBay userID?

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If you have already installed the eBay Sync plugin and connected to eBay, you need to reset the plugin before you change your eBay userID.
  1. Go to eBay Sync > Settings > Store Admin.
  2. Select Reset eBay Sync at the bottom right.
  3. Change your eBay user ID as described here.
  4. Repeat the setup process again in eBay Sync.
You need to recreate any category mappings and title optimization rules after doing this.

How can I map WooCommerce custom attributes to eBay item specifics?

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eBay uses item specifics to help users to get only the listings with certain attributes, such as brand, color and size. WooCommerce also allows you to create custom attributes for your products. As eBay item specifics and WooCommerce custom attributes might have slightly different names, eBay Sync lets you replace your WooCommerce attribute names with eBay item specific names. To map attributes:
  1. Go to: eBay Sync > Mapping > Attribute Mapping. It auto-detects all custom attributes on the first column, named WooCommerce attribute.
  2. On the second column, called eBay item specific, the most common eBay item specifics are provided. eBay Sync tries to automatically detect equivalent attributes and give suggestions.
  3. Create your own item-specific name in the third column, if you don’t want any of the values in the second column.
Values are automatically saved and taken into account in your next product synchronization.

How can I map WooCommerce products and categories to eBay categories, with smart category suggestions?

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eBay requires every listing to be associated with at least one eBay category. As you are free to create categories on WooCommerce, they can (and probably will) differ from eBay categories. To list a product on eBay, your products need to be associated with an eBay category. eBay Sync lets you map WooCommerce categories and products to eBay categories. It allows you to easily associate groups of products to a given eBay category. It will also automatically suggest which products should be associated to what eBay categories. When you access the Category Mapping page, there are two sections:
  • To confirm: Automatically suggested categories for your products. Select items and confirm to associate with suggested categories.
  • To do: Products that didn’t have an automated suggested category. You can still select multiple products and associate them to an eBay category.

How do I set up real-time and scheduled inventory synchronization?

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After you finish your initial set up, your inventory is automatically and regularly synchronized with eBay as a background service, according to the Refresh product feed configuration. To synchronize your inventory manually:
  1. Go to WooCommerce > Products.
  2. Edit the product.
  3. Select Sync to eBay, located underneath the Update button. Wait for the operation to finish, and the product page will refresh to indicate synchronization is complete.
  4. Update.
If you visit the Product Page for a given product, your product will have either an eBay Item ID or display errors that prevented it from being synchronized.

How do I use custom eBay descriptions?

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To use a different description on eBay from the one you use on your WooCommerce store, go to: eBay Sync > Inventory.
  • Mark the field eBay Description to create a copy of your current WooCommerce description and use it on eBay instead.
  • Mark the field eBay Template to use a pre-defined description template for your listing.

How can I view all my products listed on eBay?

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eBay Sync includes a custom inventory page with products and their status to help you manage your inventory. Go to: eBay Sync > Inventory.
  • At the top right, search for a product by its title or click on the icon to see the Filters panel.
  • With the Filters panel, filter products by Price Range, Category, Product visibility and choose the sort order of the list.
Visible columns:
  • Product shows you the main image and the title of the product. Select the icon or title to see the Product Page.
  • Regular Price shows you the configured WooCommerce regular price.
  • Sale Price shows you the configured WooCommerce sales price.
  • eBay Price shows you the WooCommerce effective price, plus taxes, plus/minus the price adjustment configured on the settings page.
  • SKU shows you the WooCommerce product SKU.
  • Visibility gives you the option of blocking or unblocking the product from being sent to eBay. Blocking a product that was already sent to eBay will end its current listing.
  • Listing Error will show a yellow icon if the product has any warning or error. Errors will prevent the item from being listed on eBay. You can hover the icon to see the error message.

How can I view my eBay orders in WooCommerce?

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To help keep your eCommerce administration as centralized as possible, eBay Sync automatically receives orders made on eBay into your WooCommerce store. You can view your eBay order with the client shipping details, product and add shipping details and order tracking information at: WooCommerce > Orders. Your eBay orders have an eBay icon on the list. Select the #{Order Number} to see the order details.
  • At Order Details, find Shipping Details and options Mark as Sent, Tracking Number and Carrier Name.
  • By selecting Mark as Sent and then clicking Save Order, you are marking the eBay order as shipped automatically. If you also insert Tracking Number and Carrier Name, eBay order tracking is automatically filled for you.

Questions and Feedback

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Already purchased and need some assistance? Get in touch with a Happiness Engineer via the Help Desk.