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WooCommerce Bookings



  • Understanding How Priority Affects Availability Rules

    In WooCommerce Bookings, the “Priority” setting allows you to establish a priority order for determining the availability rules of your bookable products or services. It helps manage situations where multiple availability rules may apply, ensuring that the correct rules are enforced. The priority determines which availability rule takes precedence when there are conflicting rules. For […]

  • Customer Booking Process

    Booking Form A booking form is generated for the front-end Add to Cart form. This is set up according to how the product has been configured. Here is an example of an hourly, time-based booking. If multiple spaces are available per block, the number of remaining spots is shown. The cost is updated dynamically as options […]

  • Send SMS notification for WooCommerce Bookings

    This guide explains how you can send SMS notifications for bookings to administrators and customers via Twilio using the WooCommerce Twilio extension. Overview When both the WooCommerce Bookings and WooCommerce Twilio plugins are active, you’ll find additional options in Twilio for booking notifications under WooCommerce > Settings > SMS. Types of Notifications Within WooCommerce > Settings > SMS > Bookings […]

  • Bookings Use Case: Deposit Required Booking

    This bookings use case will walk through how to use WooCommerce and WooCommerce Bookings to set up a bookable room, and collect a deposit for the room in advance. The optional deposit taking feature is powered by the WooCommerce Deposits plugin. Scenario You have a room you would like make available for booking and you would like to collect […]

  • Bookings Use Case: Multi-Vendor Shop (Example with Product Vendors)

    This scenario will walk you through how to use WooCommerce, WooCommerce Bookings and WooCommerce Product Vendors to sell bookable products from other vendors on your website. Vendors can take a commission for each reservation. Scenario Matty owns a restaurant and one of his chefs offers a family friendly cooking class for adults and children. Since the chef would like […]

  • Product Add-Ons Integration

    WooCommerce Bookings is compatible with Product Add-Ons (available separately). Integrating the Product Add-Ons extension with WooCommerce Bookings allows you to enhance your booking offerings by providing additional booking options for customers, such as gear, accessories, food, etc., along with the associated fees of those add-ons. The setup process for incorporating add-ons for bookable products mirrors […]

  • WooCommerce Bookings Custom Google Calendar Integration

    This document explains how to create a custom integration between Google Calendar and your site’s WooCommerce Bookings. The WooCommerce Bookings extension allows you to synchronize your Bookings with a Google Calendar and supports two-way syncing. You can connect your Google Calendar using your own app credentials, following the steps below. If you have a working […]

  • WooCommerce Bookings Multiple Calendar Integration

    With WooCommerce Bookings, only one Google Calendar can be connected to the site and only from one account (i.e. the admin account). So all bookings made on the site are synced to this one Google Calendar. With the help of WooCommerce Zapier, you can now synchronize multiple booking calendars. You can also sync Individual Booking […]

  • WooCommerce Bookings: Google Calendar Integration

    This document explains how to connect your WooCommerce Bookings extension to your Google Calendar. To connect WooCommerce Bookings to your Google Calendar, you need: Setup and Configuration WooCommerce Bookings provides two different methods that you can use to connect to your Google Calendar: Method 1: Connect your calendar To connect your Google Calendar to Bookings […]

  • WooCommerce Bookings: Use Cases

    The below links list common use cases using the WooCommerce Bookings extension and it’s different settings and other compatible WooCommerce extensions. Cost & Person The below Bookings use cases showcase different ways to set up Persons and Costs. Custom Availability The below Bookings use cases showcase ways to configure different availability options, such as custom […]