
Thank you for choosing the eMart theme to build your WooCommerce website.


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  1. In your Dashboard go to Appearance > Themes.
  2. Click on the Add New button on top.
  3. Click Upload New button on top.
  4. In the new interface click Choose File and browse your computer to locate emart.zip file you downloaded.
  5. Click Install Now.
  6. After installation Activate the theme.

Required Plugins

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  1. WooCommerce: The official WooCommerce plugin is required to display the modal cart and products. It includes many other necessary blocks for any website.
  2. WP Form : The plugin is recommended for creating contact forms.
  3. Safe SVG: is the best way to Allow SVG Uploads in WordPress! It gives you the ability to allow SVG uploads whilst making sure that they’re sanitized to stop SVG/XML vulnerabilities affecting your site. It also gives you the ability to preview your uploaded SVGs in the media library in all views.
  4. Install One Click Demo Import plugin from Appearance > Install Plugins.

Import Demo Site

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After installation and activation of the theme and required plugins. You can now install the demo content to get you started.

Importing demo content does not delete any existing content. It also imports WPForms.

Importing demo data (post, pages, images, theme settings, …) is the easiest way to setup your theme. It will allow you to quickly edit everything instead of creating content from scratch.

Before Import

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Please make sure that all the required plugins are installed and activated.

  • No existing posts, pages, categories, images, custom post types or any other data will be deleted or modified.
  • Posts, pages, product, images, widgets, menus and other theme settings will get imported.
  • Please click on the Import button only once and wait, it can take a couple of minutes.

Click Import Demo Data

Click Continue & Import

On confirmation, the importer will import the content specified. It may take 5-10 minutes to import all the demo content.

After import, you’ll be notified about the import completion.

Note :

  • Product might not appear immediately due to cache
  • Please open any single product and update to clear the product cache

Setting a homepage

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After import is completed, you can set one of the pages imported as your homepage. To set your home page:

  • In your admin panel, go to Settings > Reading
  • Select A Static Page option for the Your homepage displays option.
  • In the dropdown, choose the page you want set as home.

Navigation Setup

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Header Default

Primary menu-v1 navigation is used for header default.

Header v1

Primary menu-v1, Vertical menu and Primary menu-v2 navigation are used for header v1.

Header v2

Primary menu-v1, Vertical menu and Primary menu-v2 navigation are used for header v2.

Header v3

Primary menu-v1 and Primary menu-v2 navigation are used for header v3.

Footer menu-v1, Footer menu-v2, Footer menu-v3, Footer menu-v4 and Footer currency switcher navigation are used for Footer menu.

Primary menu v1

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Detail view of Primary-menu-v1.

Megamenu setup

Assign a class name (“has-mega-menu“) in additional class name field for mega-menu item.

Assign a class name (“mega-menu-container“) in additional class name field.

Add a class name (“col-span-2“) in additional css class name field for the mentioned columns ( col-1, col-2, col-3 ) under mega menu.

Add a class name (“col-span-2“) in additional css class name field for the mentioned columns ( col-4, col-5 ) under mega menu.

Add a class name (“mega-menu-title“) in additional css class name field for the mentioned menu title under every columns

Vertical menu

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Detail view of Vertical-menu.

Class name “vertical-menu” added in additional class name field.

Class name “vertical-menu-container” added in additional class name field.

Primary menu v2

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Detail view of primary-menu-v2.

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Go to Appearance>Editor>Template Parts>Your Choice ( ex. Footer-v1, Footer-v2, Footer-v3 ).

Assign Footer-menu-v1.

Assign Footer-menu-v2.

Assign Footer-menu-v3.

Assign Footer-menu-v4.

Assign Footer-currency-switcher.

Template parts

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Header Default

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This Pattern built by using following blocks,

  • Image Block
  • Navigation Blog – Primary-menu-v1

Header v1

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This Pattern built by using following blocks,

  • Image Block
  • Navigation Block – Primary-menu-v1
  • Product Search Block
  • Customer Account Block
  • Mini Cart Block
  • Navigation Block – Vertical Menu
  • Navigation Block – Primary-menu-v2

Header v2

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This Pattern built by using following blocks,

  • Navigation Block – Primary-menu-v1
  • Image Block
  • Product Search Block
  • Customer Account Block
  • Mini Cart Block
  • Navigation Block – Vertical-menu
  • Navigation Block – Primary-menu-v2

Header v3

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This Pattern built by using following blocks,

  • Navigation Block – Primary-menu-v1
  • Image Block
  • Product Search Block
  • Customer Account Block
  • Mini Cart Block
  • Navigation Block – Primary-menu-v2

Header v4

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This Pattern built by using following blocks,

  • Navigation Block ( Mobile ) – Primary-menu-v1
  • Image Block
  • Product Search Block
  • Navigation Block – Primary-menu-v1
  • Customer Account Block
  • Mini Cart Block
  • Navigation Block – Vertical-menu
  • Navigation Block – Primary-menu-v2

Footer Default

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This Pattern built by using following blocks,

  • Image Block
  • Heading Block

Footer v1

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This Pattern built by using following blocks,

  • Image Block
  • Heading Block
  • Navigation Block – Footer-menu-v1, Footer-menu-v2, Footer-menu-v3, Footer-menu-v4, Footer-currency-switcher
  • WP Forms Block
  • Social Icons Block

Footer v2

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This Pattern built by using following blocks,

  • Image Block
  • Heading Block
  • Navigation Block – Footer-menu-v1, Footer-menu-v2, Footer-menu-v3, Footer-menu-v4, Footer-currency-switcher
  • WP Forms Block
  • Social Icons Block

Footer v3

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This Pattern built by using following blocks,

  • Image Block
  • Heading Block
  • Navigation Block – Footer-menu-v1, Footer-menu-v2, Footer-menu-v3, Footer-menu-v4, Footer-currency-switcher
  • WP Forms Block
  • Social Icons Block

Product Filter

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This Pattern built by using following blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Product Categories List Block
  • Filter By Attributes Block
  • Filter By Attributes Control Block
  • Filter By Rating Block
  • Filter By Rating Control Block
  • Filter By Price Block
  • Filter By Price Control Block
  • Image Block

Post meta

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Editor Output

This Pattern built by using following blocks,

  • Social Icons Block
  • Tag Cloud Block
  • Post Author Block


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Editor Output

This Pattern built by using following blocks,

  • Comments Block
  • Comments Title Block
  • Comment Template 
  • Avatar Block
  • Comment Author Name
  • Row Block
  • Comment Date Block
  • Comment Edit Link Block
  • Comment Content Block
  • Comment Reply Link Block
  • Comments Pagination Block
  • Comments Previous Page Block
  • Comments Page Number Block
  • Comments Next Page Block
  • Post Comments Form Block

Contact Form

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Editor Output

This Pattern built by using following blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Social Icons Block
  • WPForms Block


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Home v1

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This template built by using following patterns,

  • Home-v1-hero
  • Home-v1-4 – column-banner
  • Home-v1-viewed-products
  • Home-v1-banner
  • Home-v1-best-selling-products
  • Home-v1-brands
  • Home-v1-tv-cat
  • Home-v1-you-like
  • Home-v1-popular-search
  • Home-v1-2-column-banner
  • Home-v1-top-selling

Home v2

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This template built by using following patterns,

  • Home-v2-hero
  • Home-v2-3-column-banner
  • Home-v2-deals-of-day
  • Home-v2-banner-1
  • Home-v2-best-selling-products
  • Home-v2-banner-2
  • Home-v1-you-like
  • Home-v1-brands
  • Home-v2-blog-query

Home v3

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This template built by using following patterns,

  • Home-v3-hero
  • Home-v1-brands
  • Home-v3-new-products
  • Home-v3-banner-with-products-1
  • Home-v3-banner
  • Home-v3-banner-with-products
  • Home-v1-you-like
  • Home-v3-apps


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This template built by using following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Search Block

About Us

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About Template

This template built by using following Patterns,

  • About-heading
  • About-image-gallery
  • About-content
  • About-testimonial
  • About-team
  • About-brand

Contact Us

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This template built by using following Patterns,

  • Contact-heading
  • Contact-map
  • Contact-form

Single Product

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Product Catalog

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Product Catalog Template


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Blocks are the components used in the theme for adding content to the posts/pages. The eMart theme support all WordPress and WooCommerce blocks that you can use to add text, media assets, and layout components, allowing you more freedom to create content.

To get access to the Block, you can follow the step below:

  • Go to Pages and choose your desired page
  • Now, you can click the plus (+) icon at the top left inside the toolbar to insert blocks

It will display a list of blocks available. You can use the appropriate block that suits your site requirements. For example, You can use the Site Title Block to add the site title on the header area.


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Home v1 Hero

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Hero pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Button Block
  • Spacer block
  • Cover Block

Home v1 Brand

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Brand pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Image Block

Home v1 2 column Banner

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Home-v1 – 2-column-banner pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Image Block
  • Spacer Block

Home v1 4 column Banner

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Home-v1 – 4-column-banner pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Image Block
  • Spacer block
  • Button Block

Home v1 Banner

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Home-v1 – Banner pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Image Block
  • Paragraph Block
  • Button Block

Home v1 Best selling products

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Home-v1 – Best-selling-products pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • List Block
  • Best selling products block

Home v1 Popular search

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Home-v1 – Popular-search pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • List Block

Home v1 Top selling

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Home-v1 – Top-selling pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Best selling products Block

Home v1 tv cat

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Home-v1 – Tv-category pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Paragraph Block
  • Button block
  • Newest Products Block

Home v1 Viewed Products

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Home-v1 – Viewed-Products pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Hand-picked products Block

Home v1 You like

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Home-v1 – You-like pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Products by Category Block

About Content

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Hero pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Paragraph Block

About Brand

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About – Brand pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Image Block

About Heading

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About – Heading pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Paragraph Block

Home v2 Hero

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Hero pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Cover Block
  • Heading Block
  • Button Block

Home v2 3 Column Banner

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Column banner pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Spacer Block
  • Heading Block
  • Button Block
  • Image Block

Home v2 Deals of the day

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Deals of the day pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Button Block
  • On Sale Products block

Home v2 Banner 1

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Banner pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Image Block

Home v2 Best selling products

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Best selling product pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • List Block
  • Products by Category Block

Home v2 Banner 2

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Banner pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Image Block
  • Spacer Block

Home v2 Blog Query

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Blog query pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Button Block
  • Query Loop Block
  • Post Template
  • Post Featured Image
  • Categories
  • Post Title
  • Post Date

Home v3 Hero

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Hero pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Button Block
  • Media & Text Block

Home v3 New Products

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New products pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Newest Products Block

Home v3 Banner With Products 1

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Banner with products-1 pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Cover Block
  • Heading Block
  • Button Block
  • Products by Category Block

Home v3 Banner

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Banner pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Button Block
  • Image Block

Home v3 Banner with Products

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Banner with products pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Cover Block
  • Heading Block
  • Button Block
  • Product by Category

Home v3 Apps

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Apps pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Image Block

Home v4 hero

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Hero pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Cover Block
  • Spacer Block
  • Paragraph Block
  • Heading Block
  • Buttons Block

Home v4 categories

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Categories pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Image Block
  • Paragraph Block

Home v4 weekly deals

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Weekly deals pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Paragraph Block
  • Buttons Block
  • On Sale Products Block

Home v4 gift banner

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Gift banner pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Image Block
  • Paragraph Block

Home v4 banner 1

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Banner-1 pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Paragraph Block
  • Heading Block
  • Buttons Block
  • Image Block

Home v4 trending products

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Trending products pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Buttons Block
  • Newest Products Block

Home v4 banner 2

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Banner-2 pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Image Block
  • Heading Block
  • Paragraph Block
  • Buttons Block

Home v4 single product

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Single product pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Products (Beta) Block
  • Product Template Block
  • Product Image Block
  • Product Title Block
  • Product Summary Block
  • Product Price Block
  • Add to Cart Button Block
  • Product SKU Block
  • Paragraph Block
  • Product Categories Block
  • Product Tags Block
  • Social Icons Block

Home v4 best selling products

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Best selling products pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Buttons Block
  • Best Selling Products Block

Home v4 tv category

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TV category pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Paragraph Block
  • Buttons Block
  • Newest Products Block

Home v4 testimonials

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Testimonials pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Image Block
  • Heading Block
  • Paragraph Block

Home v4 blog query

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Blog query pattern built using the following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Buttons Block
  • Query Loop Block
  • Post Template Block
  • Post Featured Image Block
  • Categories Block
  • Title Block
  • Post Date Block

Patterns Blog

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This pattern built by using following Gutenberg blocks,

  • Heading Block
  • Query Loop ( Gutenberg Block )


Theme built-in CSS classes

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  • grid – This class  generates a block-level grid
  • md-grid– This class  generates a block-level grid width is at least 768 pixels
  • flex –  This class apply inline or block depending on the given value. It enables a flex context for all its direct children.
  • list-none -This class hide marker is shown
  • absolute – This class places an element relative to its parent’s position and changing the layout around it
  • relative – This class places an element relative to its current position without changing the layout around it
  • text-nowrap – Text should overflow the parent
  • z-1 – This class specifies the stack order of an element.
  • fw-bold– This class specifies font weight value ( 700 )
  • grid-span-full – This class specifies a grid item’s size and location within a row and column
  • stretched-link – This class to make its containing block clickable via a ::before pseudo element.this means that an element with position: absolute;
  • grow – This class specifies how much the item will grow relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container.
  • d-none – This class hide the elements
  • d-sm-none – This class will be applied to elements, when the viewport width is at maximum 767 pixels
  • pl-sm-15 – This class apply the padding value 15px width is at least 768 pixels
  • d-xl-block – This class will be applied to elements, when the viewport width is at least 1200 pixels
  • d-xl-none – This class will be applied to elements with the classes when the viewport width is at least 1200 pixels
  • d-md-block – This class will be applied to elements with the classes when the viewport width is at least 768 pixels
  • d-lg-block – This class will be applied to elements with the classes when the viewport width is at least 1024 pixels
  • d-lg-none – This class will be applied to elements with the classes when the viewport width is at least 1024 pixels 
  • overflow-hidden – overflow property with value hidden, the overflow is clipped. The content hides.
  • border – This class to display the border of element
  • rounded – To apply border radius sizes to an element.rounded-sm value is 4px
  • rounded-sm – To apply border radius sizes to an element.rounded-sm value is 2px
  • col-span-2 – colspan specifies the number of columns a cell should span.col-span-2 cover all 2 columns
  • col-span-3 – colspan specifies the number of columns a cell should span.col-span-3 cover all 3 columns
Use of your personal data
We and our partners process your personal data (such as browsing data, IP Addresses, cookie information, and other unique identifiers) based on your consent and/or our legitimate interest to optimize our website, marketing activities, and your user experience.