Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce


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The Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce extension enables customers to save products of interest to a wishlist, allowing them to track prices and availability. It also lets customers create multiple wishlists, set privacy settings, and share them with others. Products can be added to the cart directly from the wishlist. Additionally, the admin can customize the “Add to wishlist” button and view all wishlists in a single table.


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  • Multiple Wishlists
  • Allow Variations
  • Allow Guest Users
  • Wishlist Sharing
  • Wishlist Popup
  • Wishlist Button Customization
  • Wishlist Page and Table columns
  • Wishlist Privacy


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  1. Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go to WordPress AdminDashboard Plugins > Upload Plugin Choose File.
  3. Install Now and Activate Plugin.

Getting Started

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Wishlist Settings

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For the general settings of the Wishlist, Go to WordPress Admin Dashboard WooCommerce  Settings Smart Wishlist.

  1. There will be four tabs to configure the plugin settings.
  1. General
  2. Button
  3. Style
  4. Wishlist Page

General Settings

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Enable Wishlist

  1. Enable the wishlist feature by clicking on the Enable Wishlist checkbox. This will add an “Add to Wishlist” button on the front end.
Front End Impact (Adding Product to a Wishlist)
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Product page, where the “Add to Wishlist” button will appear.
  1. Click on the Add to Wishlist button. A Create a Wishlist popup will appear.
  1. Users can name their wishlist, add a description, and set the privacy level according to their preferences.
  1. Click on the Create and Add to Wishlist button. The wishlist will be created and the product will be added to the wishlist.
  1. Once a product is added to the wishlist, the “Add to Wishlist” button will be replaced by a “Remove from Wishlist” button. The user can remove the product by clicking on this button.
  1. Wishlist tab will appear on the My Account page.
  1. The user can view and edit the created Wishlists by clicking on the Edit option in the actions column.
  1. Wishlist screen will appear. There are two tabs on the Wishlist screen.
  1. Product list
  1. The user can view the products added to the Wishlist. The admin can add a product to the cart or delete it from the Wishlist.
  1. Settings
  1.  Users can also edit the Wishlist details, such as namedescription, and privacy settings.

Allow Multiple Wishlists

  1. Enable the “Allow Multiple Wishlists” feature. This will allow users to create multiple wishlists as needed, and they can add a product to various wishlists.

PLEASE NOTE: If multiple wishlists have been created and the admin disables the multiple wishlist option, only the first wishlist will remain active, while the other wishlists will be disabled.

Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Product page. An “Add to Another List” option will be available for the user to add the product to another wishlist.
  1. Click on the Add to another list. A Small section will appear having the option of creating a Wishlist.
  1. Click on the Create a Wishlist.
  1. Create Wishlist section will appear and the user can create another wishlist as needed. Click on the Create and Add to Wishlist button.
  1. A second wishlist will be created, and the product will be added to this new wishlist as well.
  1. The multiple Wishlists will be visible to the user on the Wishlist tab on the My Account page.
  1. The user can find a specific wishlist by using the Find a Wishlist button.

Allow Variations

  1. Enable the “Allow Variations” option. This allows users to add multiple variable product variations to their wishlist.

PLEASE NOTE:  If disabled, the entire variable product will be added to the wishlist without individual variations.

Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Variable Product page.
  1. Select the variation of the product.
  1. Click on the Add to Wishlist button.
  1. The variation will be added to the Wishlist.

Create Wishlist Automatically

  1. Enable the “Create Wishlist Automatically” option. This will automatically create a wishlist for the user, and the option to create a wishlist manually will not be shown to them.

PLEASE NOTE: If disabled, clicking the “Add to Wishlist” button will open a popup window, allowing the user to create a wishlist.

Allow Guest User

PLEASE NOTE: Guest user wishlist will be saved for 30 days if browser history and cookie is not cleared.

  1. The “Allow Guest User” option enables the admin to allow, restrict, or require registration for guest users. The drop-down list provides three options.
  1. Yes – If “Yes” is selected, guest users can add products to temporary wishlists, which will be saved for 30 days or until browsing history is cleared. After 30 days, these wishlists will be removed.
  1. No – If “No” is selected, the Add to Wishlist button will not be visible to guest users.
  2. Registration required – If “Registration Required” is selected, the Add to Wishlist button will be shown, but guest users will be prompted to log in when they click it.
  1. If Registration Required is selected, the Add to Wishlist button will be displayed, but clicking it will display a message to the guest users to log in.
Front End Impact
Guest User – Yes
  1. Go to the Shop Page. Add an item to the Wishlist.
  2. It will create a Temporary Wishlist at the backend.
Guest User – Registration Required
  1. Go to the Product page. Click on the Add to Wishlist button.
  1. A message will appear indicating the Guest User to log in to add the product to the Wishlist.

Wishlist Social Media Sharing

  1. Enable the Social Media Sharing option to allow users to share their wishlists on social media platforms.
  1. Select the social media platforms from the list. The chosen platforms will be displayed on the front end.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the My Account page. Navigate to the Wishlist tab.
  1. Click on the Edit option in the action column of the wishlist.
  1. A “Share on Social Platforms” option will be available, allowing the user to share their Wishlist on social media.
  1. Click on the social icon to share your wishlist.
  1. The Wishlist will be shared on your social media platform.

Popup Notification

  1. Enable the Show Popup option to display a popup window when the Add to Wishlist button is clicked.
  1. Enable the Show Go to Wishlist option. This will add a Go to Wishlist button in the popup, which will redirect the users to their wishlists.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Product page. Click on the Add to Wishlist button.
  1. The product will be added to Wishlist without any popup.
  1. Select the Wishlist OR click on the Create Wishlist button.
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Product page. Click on the Add to Wishlist button.
  1. A popup will appear. This popup will have two buttons, Go to Wishlist and Done.
  1. Click on the Go to Wishlist button. It will redirect the user to the Wishlist.

Button Settings

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  1. This tab enables the admin to configure the Add to Wishlist button settings.

Enable Wishlist Button

  1. Enable the Show Button on the Shop page. This will add an Add to Wishlist button on the Shop page.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Shop page.

Button Type

  1. The admin can select the Add to Wishlist button type from the drop-down. It provides the admin with two options, a Button and a Link.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Shop page.

Button Text

  1. The admin can change the Add to Wishlist button Text.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Shop page.

Button Icon before

  1. The admin can change the icon before the product is added to the wishlist.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Shop page.

Button Icon after

  1. The admin can change the icon after the product is added to the wishlist.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Shop page.

Loading icon

  1. Enable the Loading icon option. This will show a loading icon while waiting for the response when clicked.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Shop Page. Click on the Add to Wishlist button.
  1. It will show a loading icon while waiting for the response.

Icon on Product Image

  1. Enable the Icon on the Product Image option. This will add an icon to the Product image.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Shop page.

Icon on Product Image Before

  1. The admin can change the icon on the Product Image before the product is added to the wishlist.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Shop page.

Icon on Product Image After

  1. The admin can change the icon on the Product Image After the product is added to the wishlist.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Shop page.

Tooltip on hover

  1. Enable the Tooltip on the hover option. This will show a tooltip when the user hovers over the add to wishlist button on the product image.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Shop page. Hover on the icon, a tooltip will appear.

Hover on Icon

  1. Enable the Hover on the Icon option. This will enlarge the icon when the user hovers over the wishlist icon.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Shop page.

Style Tab

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  1. This section enables the admin to style the Add to Wishlist button.
  2. Enable the Custom style option.
  1. Button Background Color: The admin can change the background color of the Add to Wishlist button.
  1. Text Color: The admin can change the text color of the Add to Wishlist button.
  1. Social Icon Color: The admin can change the Social icon’s colors.
  1. Button Border Radius: The admin can change the radius of the Add to Wishlist button.
  1. Icon Color Before: The admin can change the icon color before the product is added to the Wishlist button.
  1. Icon Color After: The admin can change the icon color After the product is added to the Wishlist button.
  1. Icon Color Hover: The admin can change the icon hover color when the user hovers over the icon.
  1. Icon Position: The admin can change the Icon position on the product image.
  1. The style settings of the Add to Wishlist button have been changed for the explanation.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the Shop page.

Wishlist Page

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  1. This tab enables the admin to configure the Wishlist Page settings.

Wishlist Table Columns

  1. The admin can select the columns to display on the Wishlist on the front end.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the My Account page. Navigate to the Wishlist tab.
  1. Click on the edit option in the Actions Column.
  1. The Wishlist Table will appear with the selected columns.

Display Subtotal

  1. Enable this option to show the subtotal amount of the products added to the wishlist.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the My Account page. Navigate to the Wishlist tab.
  1. Click on the edit option in the Actions Column.
  1. The subtotal will appear under the Wishlist table for the products in the wishlist.
Remove From Wishlist
  1. The “Remove from Wishlist” option allows the admin to choose the action that will remove a product from the wishlist. It provides two options, Added to cart and On Order Status.
  1. If the Added To Cart is selected, it will remove the products from the wishlist when the products are added to the cart from the wishlist.
  2. If the “On Order Status” option is selected, the product will be removed from the wishlist when it is purchased and the order status will be updated.
  1. An additional “Remove Item on Order Status” multi-selector will appear when the On Order Status option is selected. The admin can then choose the desired order status from this box.
Front End Impact
  1. This front-end impact is for the Added to the Cart option.
  2. Login to your account.
  3. Go to the My Account page. Navigate to the Wishlist tab.
  1. Click on the edit option in the Actions Column.
  1. The Wishlist will appear with the products added to the wishlist. The user can move the product to the cart by clicking on the icon individually or add all items to the cart by the Add All to cart. 
  1. As the product will move to the cart, the product will be removed from the wishlist.

Cart Label

  1. The cart label will be visible after a product is added to the cart from the wishlist.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the My Account page. Navigate to the Wishlist tab.
  1. Click on the edit option in the Actions Column.
  1. The Wishlist will appear with the products added to the wishlist. Add the product to the cart.
  1. The wishlist cart label will be visible under the product details on the cart page.

Wishlist Privacy

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  1. This feature enables the user to set privacy as per preferences. This option provides three options to the user.
  1. Private – Only you can view this list.
  2. Shared – Only people with the link can see this link.
  3. Public – Anyone can view the list, including those with the link.


  1. Select the Private option from the Wishlist Privacy. This Wishlist will only be visible to the one who created it.


  1. Select the Shared option from the Wishlist Privacy. A shared URL will be generated and the user with the link can view the wishlist.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the My Account Page. Navigate to the Wishlists tab.
  1. Click on the Edit option in the Action columns.
  1. A Shared URL will be available for the user to share the Wishlist.


  1. Select the Public option from the Wishlist Privacy. The wishlist will be visible to everyone.
Front End Impact
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to the My Account Page. Navigate to the Wishlists tab.
  1. Click on the Find a Wishlist.
  1. Users can search for a Public Wishlist by entering the Wishlist name, username, or email to find a specific wishlist. Click on the Search button.
  1. The wishlist created by the specific user will appear.

Wishlist Admin View

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  1. The admin can view all the Wishlist created. Go to the WordPress Admin Dashboard WooCommerce Wishlists.
  1. The Wishlist List page will appear. The Wishlist created by the Guest user will be listed there with Wishlist Type Temporary.
  1. Click on the Wishlist to edit.
  1. The admin can:
  1. Change the Wishlist title and description.
  2. Check the products in a Wishlist.
  3. Modify the Wishlist privacy settings.
Use of your personal data
We and our partners process your personal data (such as browsing data, IP Addresses, cookie information, and other unique identifiers) based on your consent and/or our legitimate interest to optimize our website, marketing activities, and your user experience.