Subscribe & Connect

Subscribe & Connect is a free plugin that allows visitors to subscribe to your newsletter and connect with you on social media networks.


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The Subscribe & Connect plugin can be downloaded from the WordPress plugin repository or from your WordPress Dashboard via Plugins > Add New and searching for Subscribe & Connect. If you are not familiar with how to install a plugin, please see our video at: How to Install a Plugin.


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The Subscribe & Connect settings are split into three sections that can be accessed via tabs at Settings > Subscribe & Connect screen.


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Specify the content which precedes the actionable subscription and connection links. You can set a title and a description. Both of these options are optional.


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This tab governs which subscription options you provide, and which social networks you promote visitors to connect with you on.

Social Networks

Input your social network profile URLs in the fields provided (e.g. Any URLs you provide will be displayed on the front end.

Subscription Options

Subscribe & Connect enables the option to have your visitors subscribe to a newsletter, using one of the many popular online email list management services. The following services are supported:
When integrating with Aweber, a List Name is required. This is the list, in Aweber, to which your visitors will be added. To find your list name, please see this article in Aweber’s knowledge base.
Campaign Monitor
When integrating Campaign Monitor, a form action URL is required. To retrieve this, create a new form in Campaign Monitor. Once created, click the get the code button. In the code provided, there is a <form> tag. Inside this tag is a parameter by the name of action. This action parameter contains a URL which looks something like this: This is your form action URL.
To integrate FeedBurner subscriptions, enter your FeedBurner Feed ID into the FeedBurner Feed ID field. Find your FeedBurner Feed ID:
  1. Log into your Feedburner account
  2. Click Publicize in the main menu
  3. Click Email Subscriptions and activate, if not already active.
  4. Look at the embed code and find your ID after the ?uri=
feedburner-ID More info at Google’s FeedBurner Email Overview and FAQ.
Mad Mimi
When creating a new web form in Mad Mimi, a web form URL is provided, which looks something like this: Paste this URL into the Mad Mimi Webform URL field, to integrate Mad Mimi newsletter subscriptions.
When integrating with Mailchimp, use our Mailchimp List URL finder tool to find your Mailchimp List Subscribe URL and insert this into the Mailchimp List Subscription URL field within Subscribe & Connect. You can also choose to include a link to your RSS feed along with the social network links.


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On this tab you can configure the Subsribe & Connect display settings.

Display Method

  • Do not display – Will not display the Subscribe & Connect component.
  • Display beneath posts – Will append the Subscribe & Connect component to the end of your blog posts, on the single post page. This is done via the the_content() filter.
  • Use the woo_post_after hook provided by your WooTheme (recommended) – You will see this option if you’re using a WooTheme and is the recommended display method in that case.


Here you can specify which ‘theme’ to use to display the social network icons.
  • No Style – Will just display the icons in an un-ordered list with no CSS applied.
  • Icons Only – Will display the icons in a row with applicable color scheme.
  • Boxed – Displays the icons in a row with each icon in a box of appropriate color.
  • Rounded – Same as the ‘Boxed’ option except the boxes have rounded corners.
  • Circular – Displays the icons in a row with each icon in a circle of appropriate color.
No Style
No Style
Icons Only
Icons Only

Advanced Integration

You may want to display the Subscribe & Connect component on a specific hook that you know exists in the theme or plugin you’re using. Add the hook name here to do so.


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Subscribe & Connect comes with a widget that displays it in any widgetized area on your site. You can add a custom title and description for the widget.
The Subscribe & Connect widget
The Subscribe & Connect widget


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Does Subscribe & Connect work with Woo products that already have this functionality bundled?

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Yes. In fact we recommend that you use this plugin instead, as newer themes rely on it for this functionality. Disable the feature in the theme and install the plugin.

Can I display the Subscribe & Connect component on other post types?

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Yes. Adding support to other post types is straightforward. To add Subscribe & Connect to pages and posts, insert the following in your child theme’s functions.php file:
add_post_type_support( 'page', 'subscribe-and-connect' );

Can I adjust the output social network markup?

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Yes. This adds the rel="nofollow" attribute to the output markup.
add_filter( 'subscribe_and_connect_networks_list', 'jk_change_social_links_markup' );
function jk_change_social_links_markup( $list ) {
global $subscribe_and_connect;
$settings = $subscribe_and_connect->get_settings();
$networks = Subscribe_And_Connect_Utils::get_networks_in_order( $settings['connect']['networks'], $settings['connect']['networks_order'] );
$list = '';
if ( 0 < count( $networks ) ) {
foreach ( $networks as $k => $v ) {
if ( ! isset( $v['url'] ) || '' == $v['url'] ) continue;
$class = $k;
$list .= '<li class="' . esc_attr( $class ) . '"><a href="' . esc_url( $v['url'] ) . '" rel="nofollow"><span>' . "\n";
$list .= '</span></a></li>' . "\n";
return $list;
view raw functions.php hosted with ❤ by GitHub

How do I add networks to the Connect screen?

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Subscribe & Connect includes support for adding custom social network links. This is handled via a small filter, and a snippet of code, placed in either your child theme’s functions.php file, or in your custom plugin. Use this code snippet to add a custom network:
function my_custom_add_connect_network ( $networks ) {
if ( ! isset( $networks['woothemes'] ) ) {
$networks['woothemes'] = __( 'WooThemes', 'subscribe-and-connect' );
return $networks;
} // End my_custom_add_connect_network()
add_filter( 'subscribe_and_connect_supported_networks', 'my_custom_add_connect_network' );
The “Connect” section of the Subscribe & Connect administration screen now shows our custom network. s-and-c-custom-network
Note: Styling of the icon is up to you. The “woothemes” key above is added as a CSS class for your convenience.
Use of your personal data
We and our partners process your personal data (such as browsing data, IP Addresses, cookie information, and other unique identifiers) based on your consent and/or our legitimate interest to optimize our website, marketing activities, and your user experience.