↑ Back to top- Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
- Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File.
- Install Now and Activate the extension.
On Backend
↑ Back to topCreating a new product
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- Fixed price(s) – the price of the gift card as it will be shown on the Frontend.

Gift Card Configuration
↑ Back to topGift Card Order Settings
To configure Order Settings, proceed to WordPress Admin > Gift Card > Configuration > Gift Card Order Settings. The tab allows the following settings for configuration:- Order status when Gift Card should be sent to a recipient – a dropdown with standart WooCommerce order status options (Completed is set by default).
- Restrict Gift Card application to Gift Card product – a checkbox to restrict application of the Gift Card when the Cart contains Gift Card product (no tick by default).
- Gift Card Expiration, in days – the text-field to contain the period within which the Customer can spend the Gift Card amount available to him/her.
- If the text-field is empty there is no limit on expiration date.
- Zero can not be entered.

Gift card Code Pattern
To configure Code Pattern, proceed to WordPress Admin > Gift Card > Configuration > Gift Card Code Pattern. The “Gift Card Code Pattern” section defines the pattern for creating unique gift card codes. The following settings are available here:- Code Length – the number of characters in a gift card code, excluding those in the prefix, suffix and separators.
- Code Format – a dropdown with the following options: alphanumeric (default value), alphabetic, numeric. This specifies the array of characters to be randomly selected into the gift card code.
- Code Prefix – first characters of a gift card code. These remain constant from code to code.
- Code Suffix – closing symbols of a gift card code. These remain constant from code to code.
- Dash Every X Characters – the integer value to specify the number of symbols of a gift card code to be separated with a “-”. If empty – no separation.

Gift Card Codes grid
↑ Back to top- Code Number (with URL) – the number of the gift card code;
- Gift Card Name (with URL) – the name of the gift card;
- Purchased Amount – the amount of purchased gift card;
- Used Amount – the used amount of purchased gift card;
- Expiration date – the period within which the Customer can spend the money available on the gift card;
- Status – the status of the purchase;
- Customer Name – the name of the Customer;
- Customer Email – the email of the Customer;
- Recipient Name – the name of the Recipient;
- Recipient Email – the email of the Recipient.

Gift Card Code Details page
A Code Number in the Gift Card Code grid is an active link leading to the Gift Card Code Details page. The page comes in five blocks: Code Information, Order Information, Sender Details, Recipient Details and History, showcasing the following details:- Code Information:
- Code Number – the number of the gift card code;
- Available Amount – the amount of money that can be spent with the use of the card;
- Status:
- Activated – the gift card is bought and the order status of the purchase is equal to Order status set in the Configuration;
- Expired – the gift card code is expired;
- Used – the gift card amount is used in full;
- Deactivated – the purchase order changed its status from “Activated” to “Canceled”/”Refunded”/”Failed”;
- Inactive – the purchase order status is any of existing except “Canceled”/”Refunded”/”Failed” after an appropriate “Activated” status;
- Updated – the gift card amount per the card is used partially or the purchase order placed using the Gift Card is refunded/cancelled/ failed;
- Expiration Date – the period within which the Customer can spend the money available on the gift card;
- Created Date – the date of the purchase of the card.
- Order Information:
- Product Name – the name of the gift card (it is a link redirecting to the Gift card product in the Admin);
- Order # – the number of the order (it is a link redirected to the Order page in the Admin);
- Purchase Amount – the initial amount of money on the purchased Gift Card;
- Customer Name – the name of the Customer.
- Sender Details:
- Sender Name – the name of the Sender;
- Sender Email – the email of the Sender.
- Recipient Details:
- Recipient Name – the name of the Recipient;
- Recipient Email – the email of the Recipient.
- History – the grid to aggregate transactions which were made with the use of the gift card. The following columns are available herein:
- Date – the date of the transaction;
- Action – the status of the order;
- Balance – the balance available on the gift card (can not be negative);
- Balance Change – the used amount of money of the applied gift; can be a positive or negative value;
- Description – the gift card appliance, order #.

Refunded or canceled orders purchased with the Gift Card
↑ Back to top- If the date of the order precedes that of the Gift Card expiration date:
- the gift card code becomes active;
- the money is returned to the Gift Card Balance;
- the expiration date of the Gift Card is not updated.
- If the date of the order coincides with the gift card expiration date or supercedes it:
- the gift card code becomes expired;
- the money is not returned back to the Gift Card Balance;
- the expiration date of the Gift Card is not updated.
On Frontend
↑ Back to topGift Card as a product on the Product page
↑ Back to top- Choose the amount – a dropdown to select the amount on the card.

- Compose your email
- To
- The Customer specifies the Recipient Name;
- The Customer specifies the email of the Recipient (email validation is needed).
- From
- The Customer specifies the Sender Name;
- The Customer specifies the email of the Sender (email validation is needed).
- Email subject – the topic of the email;
- Additional text – any information the Customer wants the Recipient to read.

Purchasing the Gift Card
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“My Gift Cards” tab in My Account
The Customer can add multiple gift cards and monitor their balance and expiration dates. The tab comes with the following data:- Gift Card Balance – the available amount of money to be applied by the Customer.

- Date – the date when the Gift Card code is added to the Gift Card Balance;
- Code Number – the unique number of the code;
- Available amount – the amount of money that can be spent with the use of the card;
- Expiration Date – the period within which the Customer can spend the money available on the Gift Card.

Applying Gift Card to order subtotals on the Cart and Checkout
- To apply the Gift Card to the Cart Totals the Customer has to provide data into the “Enter Gift Card code” input and then click on the “Apply” button.

- The Gift Card Amount is applied to the Cart Totals, and is displayed in the Cart Totals table:
- Gift Card – the number of the generated gift code;
- Available Balance – the amount that can be used;
- The sum of the discount – the discount which is applied to the order totals.

- On the checkout the Gift Card application to the Cart is displayed as follows:

- If the Customer does not apply the Gift Card at Cart, it can be done at Checkout.