Avalon23 Products Filter for WooCommerce

Fast start

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Short demo of plugin settings:

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SEO settings:

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You have installed Avalon23 on your website. After activating the plugin, you will see a menu for accessing the main settings:

On the settings page you can add a filter:

Each filter has its own shortcode that can be inserted into the content to display the filter, or you can use a widget. You can also add a title to quickly find the filter (this title is not displayed at the front).

To add elements to the filter, for example, filter by price, by category, etc., click on the “gear” icon:

Now you can add standard filters, filters by taxonomy or metafields

Filters can be activated or deactivated to hide or show them at the front. You can read more about the settings here

Note: if you do not see the options fields (like on the demo site) “color”, “size”, “location”, etc. are taxonomies. Just create an attribute with this name.

Now you can show these filters using a widget or shortcode

When you see the first result, you can go to the main setting of this filter:

In this tab, you can configure the filter so that it performs a search on the first click (autosubmit) on the filter element:

Or you can make a filtration in Ajax mode:

( Ajax mode may work incorrectly for some non-standard themes )

Or you can hide filters that give zero products in the current search query:

Filter types

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The plugin has three main types of filters:
  1. Standard filters. Read  here
  2. Taxonomy filters. Read  here
  3. Meta filters. Read  here


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[avalon23] Main shortcode which draws filter. All attributes has higher priority than the settings in the backend! Attributes:
  • id: main(required ) attribute, means created on the backend filter ID.
  • filter_html_id: Example: ‘my_great_filter’ – for CSS purposes or programming ones
  • skin : Example skin=’skin-5′
  • toggle_filter : Possible values:  none – Don’t hide the filter at all , hide –  close by default, show –  open by default, hide_mobile – close for  mobile devices. Example: toggle_filter=’show’
To get  ID  or  shortcode:


This shortcode displays button, on click filter in popup appears. Attributes:
  • id: main(required ) attribute, means created on the backend filter ID.
  • filter_html_id: Example: ‘my_great_filter’ – for CSS purposes or programming ones
  • title: text of the link
  • popup_title: text on the popup header
  • class: CSS class of the link, you can set button class of the current wordpress theme


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  • Title:  Widget title
  • Select filter: Select the generated shortcode to display the filter
  • Show on different devices:  Show/Hide widget for mobile devices


This tab appears only if to set value in tab Settings -> Languages. On the screen above value is: en_US,es_ES. In the tab “Vocabulary” it is possible to translate words which you applied in filters(titles) and also taxonomies terms. To add a word into Vocabulary use button “Create” and write there exact word or sentence you want to translate. To find any word quickly use text input on the table top. An  example  translation of the word “Size” into Spanish:


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About  hooks  please  read  here


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After changing filter settings or adding new attributes, changes are not updated on the front end. What to do?

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Clear all cache  and be sure to clear the filter cache: If  no  luck: Check if you are editing another filter (shortcode)

Slow search. How can you optimize the filter?

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Dynamic recalculation takes the most resources, especially if you have a lot of taxonomies.  the reason is that to get each counter, the filter makes a search query to the database and as a result, even for small filters, the number of requests can reach thousands.  But you can optimize it: You can turn off dynamic recalculation for unimportant filter elements. An example  here Use filter caching.  This option greatly reduces the number of database queries and speeds up filtering.  Use this option only after you have completely configured your filter and website. Remember to clear this cache after every filter change and after product updates First level of optimization – this optimization is useful if the filter has many meta fields Advanced optimization – This is a very powerful optimization. This setting caches all filters, which significantly reduces the number of queries to the database.  Always clean your cache after changing filters and product data Cache lifetime –  time period for automatically clearing the cache.  If you frequently change product data, set the period shorter

Incorrect sorting of attributes in the slider or any taxonomy filter. How to sort taxonomy terms?

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To sort terms on the attribute edit page, just move it  Or  you  can use any  third-party  plugin  to sort the terms Or if you have some programming experience you can change the sort with a hook Please read  more FAQs  here

More info

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Read more about these settings here.