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Booking Filters for WooCommerce

Booking Filters for WooCommerce, offered by, is an extension for the WooCommerce Bookings plugin. Booking Filters enables the customers to filter and display bookable services based on the availability and other related properties of the service like date, time, price, rating, and keyword search. This instructional guide is for the store owners to help them properly set-up and configure the plugin as per their store requirements. Note: It is required that WooCommerce and WooCommerce Bookings plugins must be installed and activated on your store to use the features of the Booking Filters plugin. That being said, let’s first go through the installation and configuration of the Booking Filters plugin.

Installation & Configuration of Booking Filters Plugin

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Installation of Booking Filters plugin is a straightforward process. Once you have received your copy of the plugin with a valid license. You can proceed with the installation process by following the steps below.

  1. Log in to the Admin Dashboard of your store and click on the Add Plugin option under the Plugins menu on the left side of the dashboard.
  2. Once the dashboard is reloaded, it will give you a new page with the title Add Plugin. Right next to the page title, you will find a button namely Upload Plugin. Upon clicking that button, you will be presented with the option to upload the plugin.
  3. Simply click the Choose File button to locate and upload the plugin and then click the Install Now button to install the plugin on your store.
  4. After the upload and installation process is finished. You will be presented with the Activate button option, which you can click to activate the plugin.
Moreover, we have also made a quick video, shared below, to explain the installation process of the Booking Filters for WooCommerce plugin.

Configuring Options and Settings in WooCommerce Settings Panel

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When the plugin is installed and activated, navigate to WooCommerce => Settings. Click on the Filter tab in the top menu. What you’ll see is a list of settings and options you can configure, which are listed below with an explanation: Search Type: Search type enables you to set the scope of the customer’s search by providing you with two options.
  • Exact match only shows those booking services that match exactly the customer filtration criteria.
  • Fuzzy match shows those booking services that match any of the customer filtration criteria.
Filter Widget Name This is a customization option that allows you to customize the title of the Woo Booking Filters widget title. You can choose any title here that matches your brand personality and your store. Search by Start/ End Date: The date filter control enables the customers to search for the available bookings based on the specified date or date range. The date filter control gives you the following options.
  • It enables you to change the labels of the filters.
  • It enables you to make the Start or End date as a required control for the customers to use for filtration.
  • It enables you to show/hide the End Date control from the filter by enabling or disabling it.
Search by Start/ End Time: The time filter control enables customers to search for the available bookings based on the specified time or time range. It should also be noted that the time filter control only works if the Search Type is set to the Fuzzy Match. The time filter control gives you the following options.
  • It enables you to change the labels of the filters.
  • It enables you to make the Start or End time as a required control for the customers to use for filtration.
  • It enables you to show/hide the Start and End Time control from the customers by enabling or disabling them.
Price Filter: The price filter control enables customers to search for available bookings based on the specified price or price range. The price filter control gives you the following options.
  • It enables you to show/hide price filter control by enabling or disabling.
  • It enables you to change the filter label.
Search by Maximum Price: The maximum price filter control enables customers to search for available bookings based on a maximum price defined by them. The maximum price filter control gives you the following options.
  • It enables you to show/hide the Max Price control from the filter by enabling or disabling it.
Search by Rating: The rating filter control enables customers to search for available bookings based on the customer submitted ratings of the service. The ratings are based on a scale of 1 to 5, represented by stars, while 5 being the highest rating. The rating filter control gives you the following options.
  • It enables you to show/hide rating filter control by enabling or disabling it.
  • It enables you to change the filter label.
Search by Keyword: The keyword search filter control enables customers to search for available bookings based on the name of the service. The keyword search filter control gives you the following options.
  • It enables you to show/hide keyword filter control by enabling or disabling it.
  • It enables you to change the filter label.
Search by Attributes: The attributes search filter control enables customers to search for available bookings based on the attributes of bookable products. The attributes search filter control gives you the following options.
    • It enables you to show/hide attribute filter control by enabling or disabling it.
    • It enables you to change the filter label.
    • It enables you to select attributes that you want to show on the filter.
Search by Categories: The category search filter control enables customers to search for available bookings based on the category of the bookable product. The category search filter control gives you the following options.
  • It enables you to show/hide category filter control by enabling or disabling it.
  • It enables you to change the filter label.
  • It enables you to select and add categories in the filter so the customer can use them to filter bookable products.
Search by Tags: The tag search filter control enables customers to search for available bookings based on the tag of the bookable product. The tag search filter control gives you the following options.
  • It enables you to show/hide tag filter control by enabling or disabling it.
  • It enables you to change the filter label.
  • It enables you to select and add tags in the filter so the customer can use them to filter bookable products.
Exclude Selected Categories This option allows you to select categories that you want to exclude from the scope of the customer’s search. Selecting these categories here will exclude them from customer’s search results. AJAX Enabled Search  This option allows you to enable AJAX search so your customers can use the filters and search without having to reload the page. AJAX search works in real-time.

Creating Multiple Booking Filters With Unique Configuration Settings

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The plugin gives you the ability to generate multiple shortcodes so you can configure multiple booking filters with their own unique settings and options and embed them on separate pages of your store. To create a new shortcode, click on Add New Shortcode at the top of the Settings panel. Configure your settings the way you want and click on the Save button at the bottom. Your settings are saved with a unique shortcode generated. Scroll over at the top and copy the unique shortcode and embed it wherever you like. If you are not using any shortcode, a Delete button allows you to manage things and remove clutter.

Embedding Booking Filters Through Gutenberg

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Booking Filters can be inserted onto a page as a Gutenberg block. To do that, just open the page you want to add the filter to. Click on the plus icon to add the Woo Booking Filter Gutenberg block from the Widgets section in the Gutenberg blocks menu. Just click to insert. You can access its settings from the settings panel on the right side by clicking on the Block tab. You can configure the settings for your Booking Filters from this settings panel. Settings and options are similar to what we have described above.

Embedding Booking Filters Using Shortcode

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To embed the Booking Filter using the shortcode, you’ll first need to configure settings from the WooCommerce Settings panel. Save your settings and copy the shortcode given above. To embed it, simply paste the shortcode on any text area of your site. This can be the text editor of a page or a text widget area. You can use the text widget area to embed the Booking Filter on the sidebar.

Plugin Support

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Should you need any further assistance regarding this plugin, feel free to contact us at and have our support team look into the issue for you. Thank you!