Free Gifts for WooCommerce

Free Gifts for WooCommerce allows you to offer Free Gifts to your customers whenever they make a purchase on your site.


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  1. Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File.
  3. Install Now and Activate the extension.

More information at: Install and Activate Plugins/Extensions.

Ways to Offer Free Gifts

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Manual Free Gifts

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  • The user has some products in the cart and they are eligible to receive free gift(s).
  • The free gift(s) will be displayed on the cart page or the checkout page(based on the configuration).
  • From the list of available free gift products, the user can add gift products to their cart.
  • The price for the free gift products will be updated as Free automatically.
  • Once the order is placed successfully by the user, they will receive the Free Gift products free of cost.

Automatic Free Gifts

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  • The user has some products in the cart and they are eligible for receiving Free Gift(s).
  • The Free Gift(s) will be automatically added to the user’s cart.
  • Once the order is placed successfully by the user, they will receive the Free Gift products free of cost.

Buy X Get Y(Buy One Get One) – Automatic

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  • The user has to add a product to the cart which is eligible for a Buy One Get One offer.
  • Once the product is added to the cart with the required quantity, based on the configuration, the gift product will be automatically added to the cart.
  • Once the order is placed successfully by the user, they will receive the Free Gift products free of cost.

Buy X Get Y(Buy One Get One) – Manual

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  • User has to add a product to the cart which is eligible for a Buy One Get One offer.
  • Once the product is added to the cart with the required quantity, based on the configuration, The eligible free gift(s) will be displayed on the cart page or the checkout page(based on the configuration).
  • From the list of available free gift products, the user can add gift products to their cart.
  • The price for the free gift products will be updated as Free automatically.
  • Once the order is placed successfully by the user, they will receive the Free Gift products free of cost.

Coupon Based Free Gifts – Automatic

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  • The user has some products to the cart and applies the associated coupon to their cart.
  • Once the coupon is applied, they are eligible for receiving Free Gift(s).
  • The Free Gift(s) will be automatically added to the user’s cart.
  • Once the order is placed successfully by the user, they will receive the Free Gift products free of cost.

Coupon Based Free Gifts – Manual

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  • The user has some products to the cart and applies the associated coupon to their cart.
  • Once the coupon is applied, they are eligible for receiving Free Gift(s). Based on the configuration, The eligible free gift(s) will be displayed on the cart page or the checkout page(based on the configuration).
  • From the list of available free gift products, the user can add gift products to their cart.
  • The price for the free gift products will be updated as Free automatically.
  • Once the order is placed successfully by the user, they will receive the Free Gift products free of cost.

Send Free Gifts Manually to any User

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  • The site admin can manually send Free Gifts to any user in the site.
  • The site admin has to select the user and the free gifts which they will be receiving.
  • Once they click the Send Button is clicked, a order will be created on behalf of the user with the selected gift product free of cost.

Setup and Configuration

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To set up the plugin, go to WooCommerce > Free Gifts > Settings.


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General Settings

  • By default, there is a global restriction on the number of free gifts, a user can receive in an order when the rule is set as “Manual”. You can optionally change the restriction to be applied on each rule separately. To apply the restriction on rule level, then in the “Maximum Number of Gift Products in “Manual Rule Type” is decided based on” option set the value as “Rule Settings”.
  • Select the maximum number of gift products a user can add in an order in the Maximum Gifts in an Order option. The value set in this option applies to all rules in which the Rule Type is set as “Manual”.
  • If you want to set the maximum gift product restriction for each rule then in Maximum Number of Gift Products in “Manual Rule Type” is decided based on option, set the value as Rule Settings. Now, the Maximum Gift Product restriction can be configured in each rule. To set a rule-based restriction, create/edit a new rule and locate Maximum Gifts in an Order from this Rule option.

Note: If Maximum Gifts in an Order from this Rule option is left empty/when the rule value is more the Global Restriction, the Global Restriction will apply.

  • If you want to allow your users to add more than one quantity of same gift product in an order, then enable Allow Adding Multiple Quantities of Same Gift Product in an Order option. Please note that this option will not work for Automatic Free Gifts.
  • By default, your users will not be able to remove the automatically added free gifts from their cart. If you wish to provide the option of removing the automatically added products to the cart to your users, then enable the “Allow User(s) to remove the automatically added Gift Product(s)” option.
  • If you don’t want to give free gift when a coupon is used, then enable Restrict Free Gift if WooCommerce Coupon is Used option.
  • If you wish to charge a Shipping Cost from your users for the free gifts, you can do so by enabling the “Allow Shipping Cost for Free Gift Allow Shipping Cost for Free Gift” option.
  • If you want to hide the Free Gift Products on Shop and Category Pages, then enable the Hide Free Gift Products on Shop and Category Pages option. In the Rule Status if Active is selected, free gift products from active rule will be hidden. In the Rule Status if In-active is selected, free gift products from in-active rule will be hidden.
  • When a Gift Product is added to the cart by clicking the Add to cart button, the page will relaod once. If you wish to add the product without page reload, enable the “Ajax Manual Gift Products Add to Cart” checkbox.


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Gift Product Display Settings

  • By default, for every rule that matches with a user, a notice will be displayed. If you wish to display a single notice, you can do so by customizing the Free Gift(s) Eligibility Notices Display Type option.
  • When a user doesn’t meet the eligibility criteria to receive Free Gift(s), you can optionally display a notice mentioning what they have to do to receive free gift(s). The option to enable this notice is available within the rule configuration page. You can customize where the notice has to be displayed in “Free Gift(s) Eligibility Notice Will be Displayed On” option.
  • By default, Free Gift messages will be displayed in WooCommerce Notices. You can switch to Plugin’s own notice if your theme doesn’t support WooCommerce Notices. To switch to plugin’s own notice, set the value as “Plugin’s Own Notice” in “Free Gifts Notice Display Type” option.
  • By default, Free Gift products in the cart page will be displayed in the order they were added to the cart. If you want them to be grouped and displayed at the end of the cart page, you can do so by modifying the “Free Gift(s) Cart Table Display Method” option and setting the value as “Group at the Bottom of the Cart Table”.
  • By Default, when a free gift product is in cart, it’s original price will not be displayed. If you want to strike the original price and display, you can do so by modifying the “Price Display for Gift Products” and setting the value as “Strike and display the Price”.
  • By default, user cannot choose their Free Gift(s) from their checkout page. If you want your users to choose Free Gift(s) from the checkout page, you can do so by changing the “Allow Users to Choose Free Gifts in Checkout Page” option to “Yes”.
  • By default, for Manual Free Gifts type, the Gift Products on the Cart Page will be displayed within the page itself. If you want to display the Gift Products on a popup, you can do so by setting the value as “Popup” in the “Free Gifts display mode in the Cart Page” option.
  • By default, the gift products will be displayed in a table. If you want to display the gift products in a carousel, you can do by setting the value as “Carousel” in “Gift Display Type” option.

Gift Product Selection Progress Bar Display Settings

When you plan on offering multiple gift products to your users in a single order, displaying a progress bar to inform your users about the number of free gifts added to the cart & the remaining free gift products which can be added can be helpful to them. To display the progress bar on the cart, enable the “Display Gift Product selection Progress Bar in the Cart” and to display display the progress bar on the checkout, enable the “Display Gift Product selection Progress Bar in the Checkout”.


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  • By default, the plugin’s scripts will be loaded in the site’s header. If you face any issues and if you want to load the scripts on the footer, you can do so by customizing the “Frontend Scripts Enqueued on” option.
  • If you face any issues like free gifts not reflecting in the mini cart, add to cart sliders, then select Yes in the “Restrict Redirection when Free Gifts are Added” option.

Deletion Settings

If you wish to delete old Master Log(s), you can do so by setting the value to Yes in the “Delete Master log(s) after X Duration” option. The Duration can be set in the “Delete Master Log(s) after” option.


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Email Settings

  • In Email Type option, select HTML if you want to send the email in HTML format. Select WooCommerce Template if you want to send the email based on the settings configured in WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > Email template.
  • In From Name field, give the name which is to be displayed as From Name for the user receiving Free Gift emails.
  • In From Address field, give the email id which is to be displayed as From Email for the user receiving Free Gift email.

Manual Gift Email

  • Select the Enable/Disable checkbox if you want to send email when free gift is send for a user manually.
  • Give the email subject in Subject field.
  • Give the email message in Message field.


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In this section, you can customize the Free Gift labels displayed on the cart page.


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In this section, you can customize the notices and error messages displayed on the cart page.

Rule Creation

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Rules has to be configured if you want to offer Free Gift(s) to your users based on their current purchase.

To create rules, go to WooCommerce > Free Gift Products > Rules

  • To create a new rule, click the Add New Rule button.
  • Manage the status of the rule in Rule Status option. Select Active to enable the rule or select Inactive to disable the rule.
  • Give a name for the rule in Rule Name field.
  • If you want to give a description for the rule, then give it in the Description field.

Manual Free Gifts – Configuration

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If you want your users to choose the Gift Product(s), then select Manual in the Free Gift Type option.


In Gift Product Selection Type option, choose Select Product(s) if you want to give specific products as gift products. Then select the products in the Select Product(s) field. If you want to give products from specific categories as gift products, then choose Products from Selected Categories and then select the categories in Select Categories field.


  • If you want to apply the rule for a specific duration, then in Restriction section, select the From and To date, the rule has to be applicable in Rule Validity option. If no date is selected, it refers to unlimited validity.
  • If you want to apply the rule to specific days of the week, then in the “Week Day(s) Restriction” option, select the days of the week on which the rule should be valid.
  • If you want to restrict the rule to be applied only for a certain number of orders, then set the order count in Order Restrictions option in the Restriction section.
  • If you wish to place a restriction on free gifts based on individual users, select “Enable – Registered Users Only” in the Order Restriction Per User option.
  • In the “Number of Orders Per Users”, input the number of orders for which a user is eligible to receive free gifts.
  • If you wish to offer gifts to users who don’t have a previous purchase history, you can do so by selecting “No Purchase History Available Case Only” in the “Award Gift Based on User’s Purchase History” option.
  • If you wish to offer gifts to users who have a previous purchase history, you can do so by selecting “Specific Number of Orders” in the “Award Gift Based on User’s Purchase History” option. You can set the Minimum and Maximum Order Count.


  • Select AND in Criteria Type option if you want to give free gifts for the user if they satisfy any one of the available criteria. Choose OR if you want to give free gifts only for the user if they satisfy all the available criteria.
  • If you want to calculate the criteria based on cart subtotal, then in “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Cart Subtotal“.
  • If you want to calculate the criteria based on order total, then in “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Order Total“.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on category total, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Category Total“ and you can select the category for which the rule has to be applied. You can also optionally select sub-categories as well.
  • If you wish to calculate Category Total after applying the coupon discount, you can do so by enabling the “Calculate Category Total Criteria after WC Coupon Discount is applied”.
  • Give the minimum and maximum Cart Subtotal/Order Total/Category Total values in the respective fields.
  • If you wish to calculate criteria based on cart quantity, then give the minimum and maximum cart quantities in the respective fields of the Cart Quantity option.
  • If you wish to calculate criteria based on the number of products in the cart, then give the minimum and maximum cart quantities in the respective fields of the Number of Products in the Cart option.


  • By default, the rule is applicable for all users. If you want to restrict/apply the rule only for specific user/user roles, then using User Filter option it is possible. If you want to apply this rule only for specific users, then select Include User(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option. If you want to exclude this rule to be applied for specific users, then select Exclude User(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option. If you want to apply this rule only for specific user roles, then select Include User Role(s) option and select the user roles in Select User Role(s) option. If you want to exclude this rule to be applied for specific user roles, then select Exclude User Role(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option.
  • By default, the rule will be applied when any product is in cart. If you want to restrict/apply the rule only for specific products/categories, then using Product Filter option it is possible. If you want to apply this rule only when specific products are in cart, then select Include Product(s) option and select the products in Select Product(s) option. If you want to not apply this rule to when specific products are in the cart, then select Exclude Product(s) option and select the products in Select Product(s) option. If you want to apply this rule only when products assigned to any category, then select All Categories so that the rule will not be applied for uncategorized products. If you want to apply this rule only for products under specific categories, then select Include Categories option and select the categories in Select Categories option. If you want to not apply this rule when any one product is under a specific category, then select Exclude Categories option and select the categories in Select Categories option.

You can further place the restrictions on Include Products and Include Categories.

Product Restrictions
  • Any one of the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product from the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • All the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain all the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • Only the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain only the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • User Purchases the Specified Number of Products – The user’s cart should contain the minimum specified number of products in-order to be eligible to receive the Free Gift(s). In the Product Count option, set the number of products which the user must purchase in-order to be eligible to receive Free Gift(s).
Category Restrictions
  • Any one of the product(s) should be from the selected category – The user’s cart should contain at least one product from the selected category to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • One product from each category must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product form each category to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • Only products from the selected category should be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product form each category also the cart cannot contain products which don’t belong to the selected category to receive the Free Gift(s).


  • If you want to display a notice in the user’s cart and checkout page stating that they can receive free gift(s) if they satisfy a particular criterion, you can do so by setting the “Display Free Gift Eligibility Notice in Cart for this Rule” option to “Show”.
  • You can frame the notice using the available shortcodes.

Automatic Free Gifts – Configuration

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If you to want automatically add Gift Product(s) to cart, then select Automatic Gifts in the Free Gift Type option.


  • In Select Product(s) option, choose the products which the user will receive as free gifts.
  • By default, the user will receive one quantity of the product for free. If you want to modify the free gift quantity, you can do so modifying the Quantity for Select Free Gift Product(s) option.


  • If you want to apply the rule for a specific duration, then in Restriction section, select the From and To date, the rule has to be applicable in Rule Validity option. If no date is selected, it refers to unlimited validity.
  • If you want to apply the rule to specific days of the week, then in the “Week Day(s) Restriction” option, select the days of the week on which the rule should be valid.
  • If you want to restrict the rule to be applied only for a certain number of orders, then set the order count in Order Restrictions option in the Restriction section.
  • If you wish to place a restriction on free gifts based on individual users, select “Enable – Registered Users Only” in the Order Restriction Per User option.
  • In the “Number of Orders Per Users”, input the number of orders for which a user is eligible to receive free gifts.
  • If you wish to offer gifts to users who don’t have a previous purchase history, you can do so by selecting “No Purchase History Available Case Only” in the “Award Gift Based on User’s Purchase History” option.
  • If you wish to offer gifts to users who have a previous purchase history, you can do so by selecting “Specific Number of Orders” in the “Award Gift Based on User’s Purchase History” option. You can set the Minimum and Maximum Order Count.


  • Select AND in Criteria Type option if you want to give free gifts for the user if they satisfy any one of the available criteria. Choose OR if you want to give free gifts only for the user if they satisfy all the available criteria.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on the cart subtotal, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Cart Subtotal“. Give the minimum and maximum values in the respective fields.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on order total, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Order Total“ and give the minimum and maximum values in the respective fields.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on category total, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Category Total“ and you can select the category for which the rule has to be applied. You can also optionally select sub-categories as well.
  • If you wish to calculate Category Total after applying the coupon discount, you can do so by enabling the “Calculate Category Total Criteria after WC Coupon Discount is applied”.
  • If you wish to calculate criteria based on cart quantity, then give the minimum and maximum cart quantities in the respective fields of the Cart Quantity option.
  • If you wish to calculate criteria based on the number of products in the cart, then give the minimum and maximum cart quantities in the respective fields of the Number of Products in the Cart option.


  • By default, the rule is applicable for all users. If you want to restrict/apply the rule only for specific user/user roles, then using User Filter option it is possible. If you want to apply this rule only for specific users, then select Include User(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option. If you want to exclude this rule to be applied for specific users, then select Exclude User(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option. If you want to apply this rule only for specific user roles, then select Include User Role(s) option and select the user roles in Select User Role(s) option. If you want to exclude this rule to be applied for specific user roles, then select Exclude User Role(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option.
  • By default, the rule will be applied when any product is in cart. If you want to restrict/apply the rule only for specific products/categories, then using Product Filter option it is possible. If you want to apply this rule only when specific products are in cart, then select Include Product(s) option and select the products in Select Product(s) option. If you want to not apply this rule to when specific products are in the cart, then select Exclude Product(s) option and select the products in Select Product(s) option. If you want to apply this rule only when products assigned to any category, then select All Categories so that the rule will not be applied for uncategorized products. If you want to apply this rule only for products under specific categories, then select Include Categories option and select the categories in Select Categories option. If you want to not apply this rule when any one product is under a specific category, then select Exclude Categories option and select the categories in Select Categories option.

You can further place the restrictions on Include Products and Include Categories.

Product Restrictions
  • Any one of the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product from the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • All the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain all the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • Only the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain only the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • User Purchases the Specified Number of Products – The user’s cart should contain the minimum specified number of products in-order to be eligible to receive the Free Gift(s). In the Product Count option, set the number of products which the user must purchase in-order to be eligible to receive Free Gift(s).
Category Restrictions
  • Any one of the product(s) should be from the selected category – The user’s cart should contain at least one product from the selected category to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • One product from each category must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product form each category to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • Only products from the selected category should be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product form each category also the cart cannot contain products which don’t belong to the selected category to receive the Free Gift(s).


  • If you want to display a notice in the user’s cart and checkout page stating that they can receive free gift(s) if they satisfy a particular criterion, you can do so by setting the “Display Free Gift Eligibility Notice in Cart for this Rule” option to “Show”.
  • You can frame the notice using the available shortcodes.

Coupon Based Free Gifts – Automatic – Configuration

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If you to want to automatically add Gift Product(s) to cart when a coupon is applied, then select Coupon based Free Gift in the Free Gift Type option.


  • In Select the Coupon option, select the coupon which the user has to apply to their cart to receive a free gift.
  • In Select Product(s) option, choose the products which the user will receive as free gifts.
  • By default, the user will receive one quantity of the product for free. If you want to modify the free gift quantity, you can do so modifying the Quantity for Select Free Gift Product(s) option.


  • If you want to apply the rule for a specific duration, then in Restriction section, select the From and To date, the rule has to be applicable in Rule Validity option. If no date is selected, it refers to unlimited validity.
  • If you want to apply the rule to specific days of the week, then in the “Week Day(s) Restriction” option, select the days of the week on which the rule should be valid.
  • If you want to restrict the rule to be applied only for a certain number of orders, then set the order count in Order Restrictions option in the Restriction section.
  • If you wish to place a restriction on free gifts based on individual users, select “Enable – Registered Users Only” in the Order Restriction Per User option.
  • In the “Number of Orders Per Users”, input the number of orders for which a user is eligible to receive free gifts.
  • If you wish to offer gifts to users who don’t have a previous purchase history, you can do so by selecting “No Purchase History Available Case Only” in the “Award Gift Based on User’s Purchase History” option.
  • If you wish to offer gifts to users who have a previous purchase history, you can do so by selecting “Specific Number of Orders” in the “Award Gift Based on User’s Purchase History” option. You can set the Minimum and Maximum Order Count.


  • Select AND in Criteria Type option if you want to give free gifts for the user if they satisfy any one of the available criteria. Choose OR if you want to give free gifts only for the user if they satisfy all the available criteria.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on the cart subtotal, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Cart Subtotal“. Give the minimum and maximum values in the respective fields.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on order total, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Order Total“ and give the minimum and maximum values in the respective fields.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on category total, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Category Total“ and you can select the category for which the rule has to be applied. You can also optionally select sub-categories as well.
  • If you wish to calculate Category Total after applying the coupon discount, you can do so by enabling the “Calculate Category Total Criteria after WC Coupon Discount is applied”.
  • If you wish to calculate criteria based on cart quantity, then give the minimum and maximum cart quantities in the respective fields of the Cart Quantity option.
  • If you wish to calculate criteria based on the number of products in the cart, then give the minimum and maximum cart quantities in the respective fields of the Number of Products in the Cart option.


  • By default, the rule is applicable for all users. If you want to restrict/apply the rule only for specific user/user roles, then using User Filter option it is possible. If you want to apply this rule only for specific users, then select Include User(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option. If you want to exclude this rule to be applied for specific users, then select Exclude User(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option. If you want to apply this rule only for specific user roles, then select Include User Role(s) option and select the user roles in Select User Role(s) option. If you want to exclude this rule to be applied for specific user roles, then select Exclude User Role(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option.
  • By default, the rule will be applied when any product is in cart. If you want to restrict/apply the rule only for specific products/categories, then using Product Filter option it is possible. If you want to apply this rule only when specific products are in cart, then select Include Product(s) option and select the products in Select Product(s) option. If you want to not apply this rule to when specific products are in the cart, then select Exclude Product(s) option and select the products in Select Product(s) option. If you want to apply this rule only when products assigned to any category, then select All Categories so that the rule will not be applied for uncategorized products. If you want to apply this rule only for products under specific categories, then select Include Categories option and select the categories in Select Categories option. If you want to not apply this rule when any one product is under a specific category, then select Exclude Categories option and select the categories in Select Categories option.

You can further place the restrictions on Include Products and Include Categories.

Product Restrictions
  • Any one of the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product from the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • All the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain all the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • Only the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain only the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • User Purchases the Specified Number of Products – The user’s cart should contain the minimum specified number of products in-order to be eligible to receive the Free Gift(s). In the Product Count option, set the number of products which the user must purchase in-order to be eligible to receive Free Gift(s).
Category Restrictions
  • Any one of the product(s) should be from the selected category – The user’s cart should contain at least one product from the selected category to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • One product from each category must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product form each category to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • Only products from the selected category should be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product form each category also the cart cannot contain products which don’t belong to the selected category to receive the Free Gift(s).

Coupon Based Free Gifts – Manual – Configuration

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If you to want to manually add Gift Product(s) to cart when a coupon is applied, then select Coupon based Free Gift in the Free Gift Type option.


  • In Select the Coupon option, select the coupon which the user has to apply to their cart to receive a free gift.
  • In Select Product(s) option, choose the products which the user will receive as free gifts.
  • By default, the user will receive one quantity of the product for free. If you want to modify the free gift quantity, you can do so modifying the Quantity for Select Free Gift Product(s) option.


  • If you want to apply the rule for a specific duration, then in Restriction section, select the From and To date, the rule has to be applicable in Rule Validity option. If no date is selected, it refers to unlimited validity.
  • If you want to apply the rule to specific days of the week, then in the “Week Day(s) Restriction” option, select the days of the week on which the rule should be valid.
  • If you want to restrict the rule to be applied only for a certain number of orders, then set the order count in Order Restrictions option in the Restriction section.
  • If you wish to place a restriction on free gifts based on individual users, select “Enable – Registered Users Only” in the Order Restriction Per User option.
  • In the “Number of Orders Per Users”, input the number of orders for which a user is eligible to receive free gifts.
  • If you wish to offer gifts to users who don’t have a previous purchase history, you can do so by selecting “No Purchase History Available Case Only” in the “Award Gift Based on User’s Purchase History” option.
  • If you wish to offer gifts to users who have a previous purchase history, you can do so by selecting “Specific Number of Orders” in the “Award Gift Based on User’s Purchase History” option. You can set the Minimum and Maximum Order Count.


  • Select AND in Criteria Type option if you want to give free gifts for the user if they satisfy any one of the available criteria. Choose OR if you want to give free gifts only for the user if they satisfy all the available criteria.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on the cart subtotal, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Cart Subtotal“. Give the minimum and maximum values in the respective fields.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on order total, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Order Total“ and give the minimum and maximum values in the respective fields.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on category total, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Category Total“ and you can select the category for which the rule has to be applied. You can also optionally select sub-categories as well.
  • If you wish to calculate Category Total after applying the coupon discount, you can do so by enabling the “Calculate Category Total Criteria after WC Coupon Discount is applied”.
  • If you wish to calculate criteria based on cart quantity, then give the minimum and maximum cart quantities in the respective fields of the Cart Quantity option.
  • If you wish to calculate criteria based on the number of products in the cart, then give the minimum and maximum cart quantities in the respective fields of the Number of Products in the Cart option.


  • By default, the rule is applicable for all users. If you want to restrict/apply the rule only for specific user/user roles, then using User Filter option it is possible. If you want to apply this rule only for specific users, then select Include User(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option. If you want to exclude this rule to be applied for specific users, then select Exclude User(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option. If you want to apply this rule only for specific user roles, then select Include User Role(s) option and select the user roles in Select User Role(s) option. If you want to exclude this rule to be applied for specific user roles, then select Exclude User Role(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option.
  • By default, the rule will be applied when any product is in cart. If you want to restrict/apply the rule only for specific products/categories, then using Product Filter option it is possible. If you want to apply this rule only when specific products are in cart, then select Include Product(s) option and select the products in Select Product(s) option. If you want to not apply this rule to when specific products are in the cart, then select Exclude Product(s) option and select the products in Select Product(s) option. If you want to apply this rule only when products assigned to any category, then select All Categories so that the rule will not be applied for uncategorized products. If you want to apply this rule only for products under specific categories, then select Include Categories option and select the categories in Select Categories option. If you want to not apply this rule when any one product is under a specific category, then select Exclude Categories option and select the categories in Select Categories option.

You can further place the restrictions on Include Products and Include Categories.

Product Restrictions
  • Any one of the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product from the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • All the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain all the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • Only the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain only the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • User Purchases the Specified Number of Products – The user’s cart should contain the minimum specified number of products in-order to be eligible to receive the Free Gift(s). In the Product Count option, set the number of products which the user must purchase in-order to be eligible to receive Free Gift(s).
Category Restrictions
  • Any one of the product(s) should be from the selected category – The user’s cart should contain at least one product from the selected category to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • One product from each category must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product form each category to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • Only products from the selected category should be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product form each category also the cart cannot contain products which don’t belong to the selected category to receive the Free Gift(s).

Buy X Get Y(Buy One Get One) – Automatic – Configuration

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If you want to offer free gifts in the form of Buy One Get One, then select Buy X Get Y(Buy One Get One) in Free Gift Type option.


  • If you want to offer the same product as the gift product, then in Gift Product Type, choose Same Product. If you want to offer a different product as a gift product, then in Gift Product Type, choose Different Product.
  • In Buy Product option, select the product which the user has to purchase and in Buy Quantity Option, select the number of quantities the user has to purchase in order to be eligible to receive a free gift.
  • In Get Quantity option, set the number of quantities, the user will receive for free.
  • In the Get Product(s) option, select the product which the user will receive when they purchase the specified product.
  • By default, your customer will receive the free gifts only once in Buy X Get Y type for a single purchase. If you want your customers to receive free gifts for every time they meet the Buy requirement, enable the Repeat Gift checkbox.


If you set Buy 1 Get 1, with Repeat Gift turned off, your customers will get only 1 quantity free for their purchase even if they add 10 quantities to their cart.
If the Repeat Gift is turned on, your customer will receive one quantity free for every quantity they add to their cart. i.e If they add 1, they will receive 10 free in that purchase.

  • If you want to apply the rule for a specific duration, then select the From and To date where the rule has to be applicable in Rule Validity option. If no date is selected, it refers to unlimited validity.
  • If you want to restrict the rule to be applied only for a certain number of orders, then set the order count in Order Restrictions option.


  • If you want to apply the rule for a specific duration, then in Restriction section, select the From and To date, the rule has to be applicable in Rule Validity option. If no date is selected, it refers to unlimited validity.
  • If you want to apply the rule to specific days of the week, then in the “Week Day(s) Restriction” option, select the days of the week on which the rule should be valid.
  • If you want to restrict the rule to be applied only for a certain number of orders, then set the order count in Order Restrictions option in the Restriction section.
  • If you wish to place a restriction on free gifts based on individual users, select “Enable – Registered Users Only” in the Order Restriction Per User option.
  • In the “Number of Orders Per Users”, input the number of orders for which a user is eligible to receive free gifts.
  • If you wish to offer gifts to users who don’t have a previous purchase history, you can do so by selecting “No Purchase History Available Case Only” in the “Award Gift Based on User’s Purchase History” option.
  • If you wish to offer gifts to users who have a previous purchase history, you can do so by selecting “Specific Number of Orders” in the “Award Gift Based on User’s Purchase History” option. You can set the Minimum and Maximum Order Count.


  • Select AND in Criteria Type option if you want to give free gifts for the user if they satisfy any one of the available criteria. Choose OR if you want to give free gifts only for the user if they satisfy all the available criteria.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on the cart subtotal, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Cart Subtotal“. Give the minimum and maximum values in the respective fields.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on order total, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Order Total“ and give the minimum and maximum values in the respective fields.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on category total, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Category Total“ and you can select the category for which the rule has to be applied. You can also optionally select sub-categories as well.
  • If you wish to calculate Category Total after applying the coupon discount, you can do so by enabling the “Calculate Category Total Criteria after WC Coupon Discount is applied”.
  • If you wish to calculate criteria based on cart quantity, then give the minimum and maximum cart quantities in the respective fields of the Cart Quantity option.
  • If you wish to calculate criteria based on the number of products in the cart, then give the minimum and maximum cart quantities in the respective fields of the Number of Products in the Cart option.


  • By default, the rule is applicable for all users. If you want to restrict/apply the rule only for specific user/user roles, then using User Filter option it is possible. If you want to apply this rule only for specific users, then select Include User(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option. If you want to exclude this rule to be applied for specific users, then select Exclude User(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option. If you want to apply this rule only for specific user roles, then select Include User Role(s) option and select the user roles in Select User Role(s) option. If you want to exclude this rule to be applied for specific user roles, then select Exclude User Role(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option.
  • By default, the rule will be applied when any product is in cart. If you want to restrict/apply the rule only for specific products/categories, then using Product Filter option it is possible. If you want to apply this rule only when specific products are in cart, then select Include Product(s) option and select the products in Select Product(s) option. If you want to not apply this rule to when specific products are in the cart, then select Exclude Product(s) option and select the products in Select Product(s) option. If you want to apply this rule only when products assigned to any category, then select All Categories so that the rule will not be applied for uncategorized products. If you want to apply this rule only for products under specific categories, then select Include Categories option and select the categories in Select Categories option. If you want to not apply this rule when any one product is under a specific category, then select Exclude Categories option and select the categories in Select Categories option.

You can further place the restrictions on Include Products and Include Categories.

Product Restrictions
  • Any one of the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product from the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • All the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain all the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • Only the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain only the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • User Purchases the Specified Number of Products – The user’s cart should contain the minimum specified number of products in-order to be eligible to receive the Free Gift(s). In the Product Count option, set the number of products which the user must purchase in-order to be eligible to receive Free Gift(s).
Category Restrictions
  • Any one of the product(s) should be from the selected category – The user’s cart should contain at least one product from the selected category to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • One product from each category must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product form each category to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • Only products from the selected category should be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product form each category also the cart cannot contain products which don’t belong to the selected category to receive the Free Gift(s).


  • If you want to display a notice in the user’s cart and checkout page stating that they can receive free gift(s) if they satisfy a particular criterion, you can do so by setting the “Display Free Gift Eligibility Notice in Cart for this Rule” option to “Show”.
  • You can frame the notice using the available shortcodes.

Buy X Get Y(Buy One Get One) – Manual – Configuration

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If you want to offer free gifts in the form of Buy One Get One, then select Buy X Get Y(Buy One Get One) in Free Gift Type option.


  • If you are planning to create the rule for a Single Buy Product, then in the Buy Product Type select Product. If you are planning to create the rule for a specific category, then in the Buy Product Type select Category.
  • In Buy Product option, select the product which the user has to purchase and in Buy Quantity Option.
  • If you are planning to create the rule for a Single Get Product, then in the Get Product Type select Product. If you are planning to create the rule for a specific category, then in the Get Product Type select Category.
  • By Default, the Quantity Restriction is applied on all products separately. If you wish to apply the restriction across all eligible products, select “Across the Eligible Products” in the “Get Product Quantity Restriction is Applicable” option.
  • In Buy Quantity option, set the number of quantities, the user will have to purchase to receive the free gift.
  • In Get Quantity option, set the number of quantities, the user will receive for free.
  • By default, your customer will receive the free gifts only once in Buy X Get Y type for a single purchase. If you want your customers to receive free gifts for every time they meet the Buy requirement, enable the Repeat Gift checkbox.


If you set Buy 1 Get 1, with Repeat Gift turned off, your customers will get only 1 quantity free for their purchase even if they add 10 quantities to their cart.
If the Repeat Gift is turned on, your customer will receive one quantity free for every quantity they add to their cart. ie If they add 1, they will receive 10 free in that purchase.

  • If you want to apply the rule for a specific duration, then select the From and To date where the rule has to be applicable in Rule Validity option. If no date is selected, it refers to unlimited validity.
  • If you want to restrict the rule to be applied only for a certain number of orders, then set the order count in Order Restrictions option.


  • If you want to apply the rule for a specific duration, then in Restriction section, select the From and To date, the rule has to be applicable in Rule Validity option. If no date is selected, it refers to unlimited validity.
  • If you want to apply the rule to specific days of the week, then in the “Week Day(s) Restriction” option, select the days of the week on which the rule should be valid.
  • If you want to restrict the rule to be applied only for a certain number of orders, then set the order count in Order Restrictions option in the Restriction section.
  • If you wish to place a restriction on free gifts based on individual users, select “Enable – Registered Users Only” in the Order Restriction Per User option.
  • In the “Number of Orders Per Users”, input the number of orders for which a user is eligible to receive free gifts.
  • If you wish to offer gifts to users who don’t have a previous purchase history, you can do so by selecting “No Purchase History Available Case Only” in the “Award Gift Based on User’s Purchase History” option.
  • If you wish to offer gifts to users who have a previous purchase history, you can do so by selecting “Specific Number of Orders” in the “Award Gift Based on User’s Purchase History” option. You can set the Minimum and Maximum Order Count.


  • Select AND in Criteria Type option if you want to give free gifts for the user if they satisfy any one of the available criteria. Choose OR if you want to give free gifts only for the user if they satisfy all the available criteria.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on the cart subtotal, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Cart Subtotal“. Give the minimum and maximum values in the respective fields.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on order total, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Order Total“ and give the minimum and maximum values in the respective fields.
  • If you wish to calculate the criteria based on category total, then in the “Criteria Calculated based on” option, set the value as “Category Total“ and you can select the category for which the rule has to be applied. You can also optionally select sub-categories as well.
  • If you wish to calculate Category Total after applying the coupon discount, you can do so by enabling the “Calculate Category Total Criteria after WC Coupon Discount is applied”.
  • If you wish to calculate criteria based on cart quantity, then give the minimum and maximum cart quantities in the respective fields of the Cart Quantity option.
  • If you wish to calculate criteria based on the number of products in the cart, then give the minimum and maximum cart quantities in the respective fields of the Number of Products in the Cart option.


  • By default, the rule is applicable for all users. If you want to restrict/apply the rule only for specific user/user roles, then using User Filter option it is possible. If you want to apply this rule only for specific users, then select Include User(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option. If you want to exclude this rule to be applied for specific users, then select Exclude User(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option. If you want to apply this rule only for specific user roles, then select Include User Role(s) option and select the user roles in Select User Role(s) option. If you want to exclude this rule to be applied for specific user roles, then select Exclude User Role(s) option and select the users in Select User(s) option.
  • By default, the rule will be applied when any product is in cart. If you want to restrict/apply the rule only for specific products/categories, then using Product Filter option it is possible. If you want to apply this rule only when specific products are in cart, then select Include Product(s) option and select the products in Select Product(s) option. If you want to not apply this rule to when specific products are in the cart, then select Exclude Product(s) option and select the products in Select Product(s) option. If you want to apply this rule only when products assigned to any category, then select All Categories so that the rule will not be applied for uncategorized products. If you want to apply this rule only for products under specific categories, then select Include Categories option and select the categories in Select Categories option. If you want to not apply this rule when any one product is under a specific category, then select Exclude Categories option and select the categories in Select Categories option.

You can further place the restrictions on Include Products and Include Categories.

Product Restrictions
  • Any one of the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product from the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • All the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain all the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • Only the selected product(s) must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain only the selected products to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • User Purchases the Specified Number of Products – The user’s cart should contain the minimum specified number of products in-order to be eligible to receive the Free Gift(s). In the Product Count option, set the number of products which the user must purchase in-order to be eligible to receive Free Gift(s).
Category Restrictions
  • Any one of the product(s) should be from the selected category – The user’s cart should contain at least one product from the selected category to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • One product from each category must be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product form each category to receive the Free Gift(s).
  • Only products from the selected category should be in cart – The user’s cart should contain at least one product form each category also the cart cannot contain products which don’t belong to the selected category to receive the Free Gift(s).


  • If you want to display a notice in the user’s cart and checkout page stating that they can receive free gift(s) if they satisfy a particular criterion, you can do so by setting the “Display Free Gift Eligibility Notice in Cart for this Rule” option to “Show”.
  • You can frame the notice using the available shortcodes.

How to Send Free Gifts Manually?

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To send free gifts to users manually, go to WooCommerce > Free Gift Product > Manual Gift

  • Select the user for whom you want to send a free gift in Select a User option.
  • In Product Selection option, select the products you want to send as free gift.
  • A WooCommerce order will be created while sending free gift manually. Choose in which status the order has to be created in Order Status option.
  • Finally, click the Send Gift button


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Free Gifts for WooCommerce Plugin is translation ready meaning you can edit the po files by which you can translate the text to any language.

The steps to do the translation are as follows. For eg let us consider translation to French.

  • Download and install Poedit
  • Open the file free-gifts-for-woocommerce -> languages folder -> free-gifts-for-woocommerce.pot using Poedit.
  • Create a new translation file by clicking Create new translation button
  • Choose the Source text and set its corresponding French text in Translation Text Area.
  • Save the changes.
  • Save the file name as free-gifts-for-woocommerce-fr_FR.po
  • Then go to WordPress dashboard -> Settings -> General and select the Site Language as French


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Q: How I can translate the strings that are displayed in the frontend?

You can customize the messages and frontend display text using Localization and Messages settings,

– WooCommerce -> Free Gifts -> Settings -> Localization

– WooCommerce -> Free Gifts -> Settings -> Messages

Q: How to allow customers to select more than one gift?

(i) Please follow the below configuration steps for the Maximum Gifts from this
rule(In the Manual Mode),

Go to WooCommerce -> Free Gifts -> Settings -> General

– Select Rule Settings in the Maximum Number of Gift Products in “Manual Rule Type” is decided based on the drop-down menu.

– Now, the Maximum Gift Product restriction can be configured in each rule.

– Create a new rule /Edit an existing one and locate Maximum Gifts in an Order from this Rule option to set a rule-based restriction.

– If you want to allow the user to select more than one quantity of the same gift product, then enable the “Allow Adding Multiple Quantities of Same Gift Product in an Order (Only for Manual Free Gifts)”. The user can select the same gift product with multiple quantities based on the Maximum Gifts in an Order from this Rule value in the respective rule in this case.

Note: If the Maximum Gifts in an Order from this Rule(under Rule settings) option is left empty / when the value under the rule settings is more than the Global Restriction, then the Global Restriction will apply.

(ii) Consider the below example configuration in the Manual Gift Mode,

Rule 1:

– Set the criteria as per your need in the rule configuration.

– Select the respective gift products in the “Select Product(s)” field under the “General section” of the Rule configuration.

– Set 2 in the Maximum Gifts in an Order from this Rule field.

– Update the rule.

Q: How to add the Gift Product(s) in multiple languages?

If you are expecting the products(Buy and Gift Products) to be available in multiple languages, please check by configuring the rules as follows,

(i) Create a rule with the required criteria and select the Gift Product which is available in one language(English) & save the rule.

(ii) Create another rule with the same criteria and select the Gift Product that is available in another language & save the rule.

Q: Free Gift awarded even when the criteria weren’t met. Why is that?

(i) Please make sure whether the AND condition is selected in the Criteria Type drop-down under the rule configuration.

(ii) If not, then it may be the reason behind this kind of scenario.

(iii) Please select the “AND” condition and then check.

Q: I want to display a message on the shopping cart or checkout pages stating how much more the customer needs to get a free gift product. How can I do that?

(i) Yes, you can find the notice configuration under the Notice section of the rule configuration.

(ii) The notice will display only if the customer’s cart content doesn’t match the criteria of a respective Free Gift Rule & it will not show once it matches the corresponding rule.

(iii) For Example,

i) If the rule on your site contains the Total criteria as follows,

Minimum $ 201 – Max – $ 300;

– In this case, if the customer’s cart has less than $201 means, then the customer is not eligible to get the gift item from the respective rule & the Eligible notice will display in this case.

– Once the customer is eligible for getting the Free Gift(s) from a specific rule, then the gift item(s) from the matched rule will display & the eligibility notice will  not be displayed in this case.

– If you configure the eligibility notice in all the rules configured on your site, then the respective rule’s eligibility notice will display(if one of the rule criteria matches and the respective gift product is added to the cart, then the respective eligibility notice will be hidden and the remaining rule’s notice will display).

Q: I have set up a rule whereby the customer gets Product B for free when they purchase Product A. I’d like it so that when the customer purchases 2 x product A they get 2 x product B, but I’m unsure. How to set this up?

You can achieve it using the following configuration steps,

(i) Select the Buy X Get Y mode under the rule configuration.

(ii) Select Buy X Get Y(Automatic) if the gift product will be added automatically  and Select Buy X Get Y(Manual) if the gift product will be manually added by  the customer.

(iii) Select Different Products in the Buy Product Type.

(iv) Select Product in the Buy Product Type drop-down.

(v) Search and select the Buy Product in the Buy Product field.

(vi) Search and select the required Gift product in the Get Product(s) field.

(vii) Set the required quantity in both the Buy Quantity and Get Quantity fields(i.e. 1 in this case).

(viii) Enable the “Repeat” option(i.e Buy 1 Get 1, Buy 2 Get 2 & more).

(ix) Save the rule.

Q: I want to Hide the selected Gift Product(s) from the Shop and Category Page. How can i do that?

Please enable the Hide Free Gift Products on Shop and Category Pages under WooCommerce -> Free Gifts -> General -> General Settings

Q: How to get shipping costs for free gifts?

Please enable the Allow Shipping Cost for Free Gift under WooCommerce -> Free Gifts -> General -> General Settings.

Q: The Free Gifts plugin affects some functions in the Cart and Checkout Page. Why is that?

Please select “Footer” in the “Frontend Scripts Enqueued on” option under WooCommerce -> Free Gifts -> Settings -> Advanced -> Troubleshoot which may help in this case.

Q: Need a function with the ability to choose the time interval for deleting accumulated logs from the database. How can i do that?

Please follow the steps below,

(i) Go to WooCommerce -> Free Gifts -> Settings -> Advanced -> Deletion

(ii) Select Yes in the Delete Master log(s) after the X Duration option.

(iii) Configure the Duration as per your need in Delete Master log(s) after field.

(iv) Save the settings.

Q: Is there any setting that can award the free gift only based on the final price after the discount is applied?

Please consider the following regarding the Total based criteria and select the Order Total criteria in the rule configuration,

(i) Cart Subtotal criteria – Sum of all product prices and taxes if applicable.

(ii) Order Total criteria – Sum of all product prices, shipping & taxes.

Q: Is there an API for the gift rule that is created?

Please refer to the below API info,

(i) List the rules – siteurl/wp-json/fgf/rules

(ii) Rule info – siteurl/wp-json/fgf/rules/id

Q: How to give a free gift when a customer has purchased a specific amount[e.g. $1000] from a certain product category?

Please follow the below steps,

(i) Edit an existing rule or create a new rule.

(ii) Select Category Total in the Criteria Calculated based on the drop-down menu.

(iii) Select the category in the Select a Category field.

(iv) If you want to include the Sub-category Products for the criteria calculation, then select Yes in the Including Sub-category Product(s) drop-down.

(v) Set the value in the Min and Max field.

(vi) Save the settings.

Q: How to create a rule where a person with their FIRST order only can get a Free Product?

Please follow the below steps,

(i) Edit an existing rule or create a new rule.

(ii) Go to the Restrictions section.

(iii) Select Enable- For Register Users Only in the Order Restriction per User drop-down.

(iv) Select No purchase history available case only in the Award Gift based on User’s Purchase History drop-down.

(v) Update the rule.

Q: How to restrict the Free Gift rule to be applied for a specific number of orders only?

Please follow the below steps,

(i) Edit an existing rule or create a new rule.

(ii) Set the configurations as per your need under the rule configuration.

(iii) Go to the Restrictions section.

(iv) Set the Number of Order(s) in the Order Restrictions field.

(v) Update the rule.

Q: How to restrict the Free Gift rule to be applied for a specific number of orders per user which applies only to Logged-in Users?

Please follow the below steps,

(i) Edit an existing rule or create a new rule.

(ii) Set the configurations as per your need under the rule configuration.

(iii) Select Enable – For Registered User(s) Only in the Order Restriction per User option.

(iv) Set the Number of Order(s) per User value as per your need in the Number of Order(s) per User field.

(v) Update the rule.

Questions and Feedback

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