Mollie Payments


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Step 1: Create a Mollie account

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To receive payments via Mollie, you need a Mollie account. Please continue with step 2 if you already have an account. 

Step 2: Install Mollie on your WordPress website

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  1. Order Mollie Payments for free from
  2. Complete the checkout process.
  3. Select ‘Add to site‘ on the ‘Thank You’ page to automatically install the extension.
  4. Alternatively, you can also manually install the extension from

Step 3: Configure Mollie on your WooCommerce store

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  1. Copy the Live API key from your Mollie Dashboard or use the Test API key to test if your payments work.
  2. Go back to your WordPress Admin Panel.
  3. Open WooCommerce > Settings > Mollie Settings
  4. Enter the API key. 
  5. Choose Save changes.

You have now connected Mollie to your WooCommerce webshop. 

Step 4: Activate payment methods

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  1. In your Mollie Dashboard, go to Settings > Website profiles.
  2. Choose Payment methods.
  3. Select the payment methods you wish to offer.
  4. Go to your WordPress Admin Panel.
  5. Open WooCommerce > Settings > Payments.
  6. Toggle to activate the same payment methods as in your Mollie Dashboard.

You are now ready to receive payments via Mollie on your WooCommerce store.

Helpful snippets

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You can customise your plugin with these helpful snippets.

Which ‘API Method’ should I use?

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Within the Mollie settings is the option to use either the ‘Payment’ or ‘Orders’ API, although Mollie no longer recommends implementing the Orders API.
Please refer to the Payments API instead

You can switch to the ‘Payments API’ directly from the extension settings, via: 
WP Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Mollie Settings > Advanced > Select API Method.

Click here to read more about the differences between the Payments and Orders API

Frequently Asked Questions

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I can’t install the plugin, the plugin is displayed incorrectly

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Please temporarily enable the WordPress Debug Mode. Edit your wp-config.php and set the constants WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG to true and try it again. When the plugin triggers an error, WordPress will log the error to the log file /wp-content/debug.log. Please check this file for errors. When done, don’t forget to turn off the WordPress debug mode by setting the two constants WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG back to false.

The Mollie payment gateways aren’t displayed in my checkout

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  • Please go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payments in your WordPress admin and scroll down to the Mollie settings section.
  • Check which payment gateways are disabled.
  • Go to the specific payment gateway settings page to find out why the payment gateway is disabled.

Can I add payment fees to payment methods?

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Yes, you can within the plugin, click on a payment gateway and set up what kind of payment surcharge you would like to add to the payment gateway.

Can I set up payment methods to show based on the customer’s country?

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Yes, you can within the plugin, click on a payment gateway and set up in which countries this payment gateway should be visible.

I have a different question about this plugin

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Please contact with your Mollie partner ID, please describe your problem as detailed as possible. Include screenshots where appropriate.

Where possible, also include the Mollie log file. You can find the Mollie log files in /wp-content/plugin/woocommerce/logs or /wp-content/uploads/wc-logs/.