Newly Released Products for WooCommerce

Newly Released Products for WooCommerce allows your users to view the newly released products category-wise on a separate page.


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  1. Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File.
  3. Install Now and Activate the extension.


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  • Works for members and guests
  • Separate page to display all the recently released products category-wise
  • Badges on the shop and single product pages for newly released products
  • Users can subscribe for email notifications to get notified about newly released products

Setup and Configuration

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General Settings

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  • To activate the plugin, go to Newly Released Products > Settings > General and select Enable Newly Released Products option.
  • When the plugin is activated for the first time, a new page for displaying the Newly Released Products will be automatically created with the name New Releases. If you want to set any other page as New Releases page, then select the page in New Releases Page option.
  • In Number of Products to Display Per Category option, set the number of products to be listed in new releases page for each category.
  • In Number of Products to Display Per Page option, set the number of products to be listed in each page.
  • If you don’t want to display the sub-categories menu in the New Releases page, then select Show only Parent Categories option so that only the parent categories will be displayed in the menu.
  • If you don’t want to display any specific categories in the new releases page, then select the categories in Hide Categories option.

Shop and Single Product Page Settings

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  • To display the New Release badge in the shop page for the products displayed in New Releases page, enable Display New Release Badge in Shop Page option.
  • To display the new release badge in the single product page for the products displayed in new releases page, enable Display New Release Badge in Single Product Page option.
  • To display the new release badge only for a specific period from the date of publish for the product, select the duration in From the Date of Publish, Display New Release Badge for option. For example, if you have set 10 days, then the badge will be displayed for 10 days from the publish date and after that the badge will be hidden automatically.
  • Enable Display Hyperlink to New Releases Page in the Single Product Page option to display a link in the single product page which when clicked, the customer will be redirected to the new releases page of the category which they have clicked. If a product is linked with multiple categories, then multiple hyperlinks to the respective categories will be displayed.

Email Settings

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  • To allow the customer to subscribe for new product release alerts, enable Allow Users to Subscribe for New Releases option. When the option is enabled, subscription form will be displayed in each category page on the new releases page.
  • Choose the position to display the subscription form in Position to Display Subscription Form in New Releases Page option.
  • If you want to sent plain email notification for the customers, then select HTML in Email Type. If you want to sent email notification with WooCommerce template, then select WooCommerce Template so that the settings which you have configured in WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > Email template will be applied.
  • Customize the email from name in From Name option.
  • Customize the email from address in From Address option.
  • To send email notification for the customer when they have subscribed for new product release alerts, then enable Send New Product Alert Subscription Email option.
  • To send email notification for the subscribers when a new product is released, then enable Send New Product Alert Email for Subscribers option.

Advanced Settings

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New Releases Page Customization

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  • Customize the slug which will be displayed in URL in New Releases Page Slug option.
  • Customize the default color of name of the categories in Categories Hyperlink Default Color option.
  • Customize the active color of name of the categories in Categories Hyperlink Active Color option.
  • Customize the background color of the Add to Cart button in Add to Cart Button Background Color option.
  • Customize the text color of the Add to Cart button in Add to Cart Text Color option
  • Select the position of the numbering badge in New Release Numbering Position option.
  • Customize the background color of the numbering badge in New Release Numbering Background Color option.
  • Customize the text color of the numbering badge in New Release Numbering Text Color option.

Shop and Single Product Page Customization

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  • You can select the New Release Badge style from the list of available styles in New Release Badge Style option. If you want to upload your own style, then select Custom Style and upload your style in Choose Image for Custom Style option.
  • Customize the text which has to be displayed in the badge in New Release Badge Text option.
  • Customize the background color of the new release badge in New Release Badge Background Color option.
  • Customize the text color of the new release badge in New Release Badge Text Color option.

Messages and Localization

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In this section, you can customize all the messages and labels displayed in the frontend.


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  • You can see the list of customers who have subscribed for new release alerts for each category in Newly Released Products > Subscribers
  • Click the link displayed in each category on Number of Subscribers column to list the customers who have subscribed for that specific category. Using Bulk Actions, it is possible to Delete the subscribers, update the status of the subscribers to Subscribed/Unsubscribed.


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  • Once the initial settings have been configured, the newly released products will be listed on the New Releases Page.
  • Your users can view all the newly released products category-wise on the New Releases page.
  • New Releases Badge can be displayed to the newly released products on the shop and category pages.
  • Your users can also subscribe to receive email alerts when a product is released.


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Newly Released Products for WooCommerce Plugin is translation ready meaning you can edit the po files by which you can translate the text to any language. The steps to do the translation are as follows. For eg let us consider translation to French.
  • Download and install Poedit
  • Open the file newly-released-products-for-woocommerce > languages > newly-released-products-for-woocommerce.pot using Poedit.
  • Create a new translation file by clicking Create new translation button.
  • Choose the Source text and set its corresponding French text in Translation Text Area.
  • Save the changes.
  • Save the file name as newly-released-products-for-woocommerce-fr_FR.po.
  • If you are using WordPress Version 3.9.13 or below, then in wp-config.php define the WPLANG as French. Syntax is define(‘WPLANG’, ‘fr_FR’);
  • If you are using WordPress Version 4.0 or above, then go to WordPress dashboard > Settings > General and select the Site Language as French.