Private Store For WooCommerce

Privatize your online store allowing registered users to access your online shop, the Private Store for WooCommerce adds the feature to force the guest customers to login/register to view the private products, product categories, product tags and pages.


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After downloading the plugin from WooCommerce follow the below instructions to install & activate the plugin.

  • Login to your WordPress website dashboard.
  • Go to the “Plugins” menu.
  • Click on “Add new” & then “Upload plugin” button.
  • Upload plugins Zip file downloaded from WooCommerce “”
  • Install and Activate the plugin.
  • After installing the plugin you will find a new menu “Private Store” in admin menus.

Setup and Configuration

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How to set up private store – shop for registered users

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After installing & activating the plugin please find the “Private Store” menu in the admin dashboard to personalize setup the private store feature. Private Store For WooCommerce

Enable Private Store 

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After installing & activating the plugin enable this option allowing plugin to work on the frontend. 

Privatize Whole Website

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Enabling this option will privatize the complete website forcing the guest users to login or register to view the website.

Private Products

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Select the specific products to privatize.

Private Product Categories

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Choose the specific product categories to privatize the product category page template.

Include Products Related to Categories

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Enabling this option will also privatize the products belonging to the private product categories.

Private Product Tags

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Choose the specific product tags to privatize the product tags’ page template.

Include Products related to tags

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Enabling this option will also privatize the products belonging to the private product tags.

Private Pages

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Choose the specific pages to privatize, you can privatize this support all type of pages

Private For Specific Countries

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Choose the specific countries to privatize your catalog for only users visiting your online shop from specific countries.

How to set up user login and registration form

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The extension supports two types of the user login & registration forms i.e. default WooCommerce login/registration form template & Custom forms with personalized settings. Private Store For WooCommerce

Login Form Title

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Add here the login form title, this will appear on the top of the user login form.

Registration Form Title

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Enter the registration form title, this will appear above the user registration form fields.

Private Login/Registration Form Type

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You can select the form type here, it supports two types of forms, i.e. WooCommerce default forms & Custom Forms.

Page Background Type

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The plugin supports the two types of the login/registration form page background types i.e. page background color or page background image, this option only works for the custom form type.

Page Background Color

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Set the login/registration forms page background color, this option only works for the custom form type.

Form Background Color

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Set the login/registration form popup background color, this option only works for the custom form type.

Form Text Color

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Set the login/registration forms’ text color, this option only works for the custom form type.

Form Background Image

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Set the login/registration form page background image, this option only works for the custom form type.

Form Background Opacity

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Set the login/registration form popup background opacity, it supports the value between 0 to 1, this option only works for the custom form type.

Manually Approve New User Registration

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Admin can enable the manual approval of the users’ registration as well as the merchants can disable the login access for any customer after the registration. Admin can notify the customers via email for account approval or rejection. Private Store For WooCommerce

Manually Approve New Users Registration

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Enabling this option will disable the login access for newly registered customers until the admin can review & allow the users to login.

Message For Pending Accounts For Approval

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This message will be shown to the users as a login error whose account is pending for approval.

Account Disable Email

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Enable this option to notify customers when their account is rejected or disabled to login.

Account Reject Email Subject

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Add the subject for the notification email for account rejection.

Account Reject Email Body

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Add the message for the notification email regarding account rejection.

Account Approve Notification

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Enable this option to notify customers when their account is approved for login.

Account Approve Notification Subject

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Add the subject for the notification email regarding account approval.

Account Approve Notification Message

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Add the message for the notification email to the customers when their account is approved.

Manage Login Access

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