Product Quantity Dropdown for WooCommerce

You can display product quantity as a dropdown on shop and category pages using Product Quantity Dropdown for WooCommerce.


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  1. Download Product Quantity Dropdown for WooCommerce and have your .zip file
  2. Log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate the Plugins section, and click ‘Add New’ to upload and install the plugin.
  3. Upload the .zip file to proceed with the installation.
  4. Wait until the plugin installs. After successful installation, activate the plugin, and move on to configuration settings.


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At the admin area, go to Product Quantity Dropdown to configure this extension.

Apply Dropdown on Specific Products or Categories

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Choose specific products or categories you want to apply dropdown.

quantity drop down for woocommerce

Set Minimum & Maximum Order Quantity

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Define minimum and maximum order quantity to sell for your products.

Set Series and Intervals for Order Quantity

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Set series for order quantity like 2, 4, 6, 8…. to offer custom product quantity in each order. Use step interval option to set a difference in a specific quantity range. For example, you can display initial product quantity difference as 5 and then the routine series by entering 0:20,5. This will show 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, etc.

quantity drop down for woocommerce

Set Dropdown Label & Select Input Type

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You can set the label for dropdown that will be displayed on fronted.

Choose the layout for product quantity input either dropdown or incremental.

quantity drop down for woocommerce