Product Tables for WooCommerce

Product Tables for WooCommerce allows you to display products in the form of a simple and intuitive table layout. Best of all, it’s entirely customizable and gives you full control over what product data is displayed in the table.

Product Tables For WooCommerce Documentation Menu

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  • Requirements
  • Installation
  • Configuration
    • Settings and Options
  • How to Embed Product Table on Your Store Pages
  • How To Use Product Tables
  • Integrating Product Tables with B2B eCommerce for WooCommerce plugin
  • Plugin Support


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Product Tables for WooCommerce requires:
  • WooCommerce 3.3+.


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The first step is to purchase the plugin. For that, visit the product page for WooCommerce Product Tables. On the right hand, you will see purchase options. Once purchased, you will get a zip file. To install the plugin, go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin. Upload the zip file that you have purchased.  and from the sidebar, click on Plugins > Installed Plugins. The Installed Plugins page will have a list of all the plugins that have been installed on your WP site. Navigate to, or search for: “WooCommerce Product Tables”. Note: Below the plugin name, if it shows an “Activate | Delete” option, click on “Activate”. If it’s showing a “Deactivate” option, it means that the plugin is already installed and you don’t have to do anything. However, in most cases after installation, you’ll be presented with the first option.


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Once the plugin is successfully activated, go back to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to WooCommerce > Settings. On the settings page, you will notice multiple tabs like General, Products, Tax, and Shipping. As illustrated below, you can see the Product Tables installed there as well.

Settings and Options

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Table Content

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The settings under this section let you control what content you want to display in your product tables.
  • Columns
This setting allows you to choose what product data you want to display in the product table. A dropdown menu allows you to choose different product attributes you can display like product image, add to cart button, product description, etc.
  • Column Names
Product Tables for WooCommerce allows you to be creative with your table columns. You can change the names of columns to suit your brand.
  • Filter Labels
The product table includes powerful filter functionality. This option allows you to change and customize the labels of filters.
  • Image Size
You can set the image size of the Product Image section. The minimum size (in pixels) for the product image is 50px, while the maximum is 250px. Anything above or below that threshold will render this setting back to its default settings.
  • Image Lightbox
This checkbox enables Lightbox feature. When a user clicks on the Product Image, the product image is displayed in a modal popup.
  • Description Text Length
It allows you to set the number of characters you want to display in the Product Description. Again, it can be set according to your preference.
  • Variation Product
If your store has variable products, the Variation Product checkbox will display a dropdown that lists the product variations.
  • Add to Cart Button Option
You have the choice of enabling both the Multi-Select checkbox and the Add to Cart button or disabling one or both of them. If the B2B eCommerce for WooCommerce plugin is also installed and activated on the site, you’ll also get an option to add a Add Selected to RFQ button on the product table. This allows buyers to select multiple products send RFQs for those.
  • Enable Request for Quote
This option allows you to show Request for Quote button on your product table. This feature only works when B2B eCommerce for WooCommerce plugin by Codup is installed and activated in your store.

Table Controls

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The settings under this section give you more control over what is display and how.
  • Hide Categories
Depending on your preference, you can show or hide certain product categories in your store.
  • Enable Product Filters
Selecting this checkbox will enable filter functionality on your product table. When you select this, you will see more options for filters appearing beneath it.
  • Product Filter Choice
You can choose which filters you want on your product table. You can choose three options: category, price, and attributes. If you select attributes, you’ll see another option underneath that lets you choose which variation attributes to add in your product table.
  • Select Attributes
Here you can select the variation attributes for Attributes filter.
  • Enable Search Box
This checkbox enables or disables the search box for the Product Table.
  • Product Sorting
Here, you are provided with four checkboxes that you can use to sort products on the table.
  • Products Showing on a Single Page
This allows you to specify the number of products you want to show on one page.

How to Embed Product Tables On Your Store Pages

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On the settings screen of Product Tables for WooCommerce, you will see the following shortcode. To display the table, you’ll need to create a page, and simply paste the shortcode in the text editor. Go to Pages > Add New. In the heading section, create a name for the page where the product table will be displayed. Paste the shortcode in the paragraph section, right below the heading. Click on publish, and let the plugin do the rest. If you visit the page you just created, you’ll see a beautiful Product Table, all set for your buyers to use.

How to Create Multiple Unique Tables

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To create multiple unique tables, just click on Add New Shortcode at the top of the Settings screen. By doing so, you will generate a new shortcode. You can configure your product table the way you want by choosing options and then click on Save Settings at the bottom of the screen. This way, your unique shortcode can be used to display the product table you just configured. Just embed this shortcode on a page as explained earlier. And that’s it. You can display multiple product tables, each with different settings, customizations, and product data. You can choose to display different categories of products in your unique product tables.

How To Use Product Tables

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Here, we’ll brief you how product tables work for your buyers on the front end.
  • Filter by Category
Buyers can filter products using the Category filter. This allows them to view the products in the category they are interested.
  • Filter by price
This option allows buyers to filter products by price and set minimum and maximum thresholds so they can view products that suit their budget.
  • Bulk Ordering
Checkboxes at the end of each product row allow buyers to select multiple products and add all of them to their cart by clicking on the button at the top “Add Selected To Cart”. This allows them to order multiple products in bulk quantities. Note: The “Add Selected to Cart” button is also present at the bottom. So, buyers don’t have to scroll back up if you’ve set the list of entries to more than the default value.

Integrating Product Tables with B2B eCommerce for WooCommerce Plugin

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Product Tables for WooCommerce works seamlessly with B2B eCommerce for WooCommerce plugin by Codup. When both the plugins are installed and activated on the site, B2B features of B2B eCommerce plugin will work on Product Tables as well. RFQ button can be enabled on the Product Table from the settings screen. If the Price Gating feature is enabled in B2B eCommerce for WooCommerce plugin, the Product Table will also show a Sign In To View button for non-logged-in users. If the Role-Based Discount feature is activated on B2B eCommerce for WooCommerce plugin, the Product Table will show custom pricing based on the user role of the customer visiting the store.

Plugin Support

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Should you need any further assistance regarding this plugin, feel free to contact us at and have our support team look into the issue for you. Thank you!