
SecureTrading Gateway is a plugin that extends WooCommerce, allowing you to accept credit cards, debit cards and other payment methods such as PayPal and Ukash online via SecureTrading. The plugin utilizes the the SecureTrading STPP Payment Pages solution. If you receive orders via telephone, fax or mail order (also known as MOTO transactions) the SecureTrading Virtual Terminal is the perfect solution. It is also an ideal call centre solution, enabling agents to take payments in call.

Note: This product has been retired. Documentation is no longer being updated. A free plugin is available at, and setup instructions found at Secure Trading.

Sign up with Secure Trading

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To get started with SecureTrading you will need an agreement with SecureTrading and your acquiring bank. More information about how to get online with SecureTrading can be found at


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  1. Purchase and download the plugin zip file from
  2. Login to your WordPress Admin. Click on Plugins | Add New from the left hand menu
  3. Click on the “Upload” option, then click “Browse” to select the zip file from your computer. Once selected, press “OK” and press the “Install Now” button.
  4. Activate the plugin.

Setup and Configuration

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  1. Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout > SecureTrading.
  2. Select and enable the list of options:
    • Enable/Disable checkbox for this gateway.
    • Title – allows you to determine what your customers will see this payment option described as on the checkout page.
    • Description – controls the message that appears under the payment fields on the checkout page.
    • SecureTrading SiteReference – Your SecureTrading SiteReference.
    • SecureTrading Password – Your chosen site security password.
    • Profile – The name of the profile for Payment Pages Customization. Leave blank to use the default.
    • Parent CSS – The name of the parent CSS file (without the file extension “.css”) uploaded to SecureTrading via the MyST file manager. Leave blank to use the ST default.
    • Child CSS – The name of the child CSS file (without the file extension “.css”) uploaded to SecureTrading via the MyST file manager. Leave blank to use the ST default.
    • Parent JS – The name of the parent JS file (without the file extension “.js”) uploaded to SecureTrading via the MyST file manager. Leave blank to use the ST default.
    • Child JS – The name of the child JS file (without the file extension “.js”) uploaded to SecureTrading via the MyST file manager. Leave blank to use the ST default.
    • Debug – If this option is checked then details of communication with SecureTrading are stored in a debug log at location /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/logs/securetrading.txt.
  3. Save changes.

SecureTrading account setup

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To get the SecureTrading payment gateway to function as expected you need to add and activate a Payment Page Redirect in your SecureTrading account (MyST) and contact SecureTrading to enable the Security Password.

Security Password/Site Security

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Make sure that the numbers of decimals is set to 2 in WooCommerce Currency Options. Otherwise the Site Security hash calculation might fail. You find this setting by going to → WooCommerce → Settings → General. Contact the SecureTrading Support Team and notify them that you want to enable the Site Security password. Provide them with the following field names (in this order):
  • Site Reference: Your Site Reference
  • Password: Your chosen SecureTrading site security (the password needs to be alphanumeric)
  • Fields: sitereference, currencyiso3a, mainamount
  • Algorithm: md5

Payment Pages Redirects

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The Payment pages redirects system enables you to specify a URL for the customer to be redirected to, after a transaction is made on the Payment Pages. The redirect also holds the information about the purchase so that the order status in WooCommerce  can change from Pending to Processing. Clicking on the Payment pages redirects link on the left-hand side of the MyST screen will display the redirects currently configured (if any) on the selected site. You are able to add, modify and delete redirects using the interface provided. Complete the following steps to create a rule which redirects your customer back to your website after completing their payment: Add Condition Create the Condition under which the customer will be redirected.
  • Check Ecom from the Accounts column
  • Check AUTH from the Requests column
  • Check ALL Payment types from the Payment types column
  • Check 0 – Ok from the Error codes column
  • Check ALL currencies from the Currencies column.
Add Action Create an Action to specify where the customer should be redirected.
  • General settings Website address (URL):
  • Field section Fields: baseamount, errorcode, orderreference, transactionreference
  • Select the desired condition and action from the dropdowns below.
  • Click Save.
Use of your personal data
We and our partners process your personal data (such as browsing data, IP Addresses, cookie information, and other unique identifiers) based on your consent and/or our legitimate interest to optimize our website, marketing activities, and your user experience.