Revenue Report

The Revenue Report as the name implies provides insight into the revenue of your store. The date range defaults to the default range you’ve chosen under Analytics > Settings, but you can use that dropdown to filter by any range of time. There’s also the option to compare your chosen date range to the previous period or previous year as well.

Right below the Date range: selection you’ll see cards summarizing Gross sales, Returns, Coupons, Net sales, Taxes, Shipping, and Total sales. This will also show the percentage changed if comparing to a previous period. You can select any of these cards to then show that data in the chart below.


When viewing your Taxes or Net sales data, for orders that have been fully refunded, order status is set to refunded, the refunded tax(es) are included in the Returns amount. The net amount and tax amounts do not include the returns amount.

Beneath the chart, there is a table that includes a row for each day whether there were any orders on that day. The days shown can depend on the Date range you’ve set at the top of this report. By default, the report is sorted by Date ascending, showing the most recent days at the top.

Report Sorting

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The report table allows sorting by all report columns:

  • Date
  • Orders (# of orders)
  • Gross Sales
  • Returns (Return amount)
  • Coupons (Coupon amount)
  • Net Sales
  • Taxes
  • Shipping
  • Total Sales
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One of the report columns contain entries you can select:

  • Orders – the links take you to the order edit listing filtered to orders on that date.