WooCommerce Social Login Developer Hook Reference


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WooCommerce Social Login includes actions and filters to customize the way your social buttons are displayed.
This document is provided as a courtesy for developers and designers. Please note that we do not support or offer customization services as part of our support policy. Any sample code provided is simply for reference.

Filter Reference

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Filter array of roles that should allow non-logged in account linking. See example. Return: array
Filter the user’s profile image URL. Return: string
Filter the list of providers to load. Return: array
Filter the authentication base path. Default: ‘auth’ Return: string
Filter the available providers. Return: array
Filter default provider settings form fields; passes in provider ID (ie ‘facebook’) as a parameter. Return: array
Filter whether the provider is available or not. Return: bool
Filter data for user created by social login. Passes in \WC_Social_Login_Provider_Profile profile instance as a parameter. Return: array
Filter social login provider’s title. Passes in provider ID (ie ‘facebook’) as a parameter. Return: string
Filter the provider’s app client ID. Passes in provider ID (ie ‘facebook’) as a parameter. Return: string
Filter the provider’s app client secret. Passes in provider ID (ie ‘facebook’) as a parameter. Return: string
Filter social login provider’s login button text. Passes in provider ID (ie ‘facebook’) as a parameter. Return: string
Filter social login provider’s link button text. Passes in provider ID (ie ‘facebook’) as a parameter. Return: string
Filter social login provider’s color. Passes in provider ID (ie ‘facebook’) as a parameter. Return: string
Filter provider’s profile. Allows for normalization of array of user data from provider. Return: array
Filter billing fields. Return: array
Filter social login settings. Return: array
Filter where social login buttons should be displayed. Return: array
Filter provider’s HybridAuth configuration. Return: array
Filter the profile identifier displayed to the user. Return: string

Action Reference

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Providers can register themselves through this hook.
Fired when user authenticated via social login. Parameters: user ID, provider ID (string, ie ‘twitter’)
Fired when user unlinks a social login profile. Parameters: user ID, provider ID (string, ie ‘twitter’)
Social login linked to user account. This hook is called when a social login is first linked to a user account. Parameters: user ID, provider ID (string, ie ‘twitter’)
Update customer billing profile. Parameters: user ID, \WC_Social_Login_Provider_Profile profile instance

Function Reference

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woocommerce_social_login_link_account_buttons( $return_url = null )
Outputs “link account” buttons only to logged-in users
woocommerce_social_login_buttons( $return_url = null )
Outputs “create account” buttons only to non-logged-in users
wc_social_login()->get_frontend_instance()->get_login_buttons_html( $return_url = '' )
Returns HTML for the login buttons


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Most functions in Social Login are accessible to developers, and can be removed and re-added as desired. The frontend class can be accessed with:
while the admin class can be accessed with:
(which could allow you to remove settings or reports).

Sample: Edit Roles for Automatic Account Linking

If a logged-out customer tries to log in with a social network that uses the customer’s site account email, these accounts will be linked automatically and the customer will be logged in (same goes for the subscriber role). However, other user roles on your site will not automatically link for security — we have an explanation of why here. If you want to allow automatic linking by email for other roles, such as perhaps a wholesaler role you’ve added, you can enable other roles by slug with the wc_social_login_find_by_email_allowed_user_roles filter, which by default allows 2 roles:
array( 'subscriber', 'customer' )
function wc_social_login_email_link_additional_roles( $roles ) {
    $roles[] = 'wholesale-customer';
    return $roles;
add_filter( 'wc_social_login_find_by_email_allowed_user_roles', 'wc_social_login_email_link_additional_roles' );

Sample: Move Social Login Buttons

In the My Account section, you could move the social profiles in the account section by unhooking them and re-hooking them where you choose to. Here’s an example that removes them from the edit account section to the dashboard (WC 2.6+).
<?php // only copy if needed
// Move "My Social Profiles" to "dashboard" instead of "edit account"
function wc_social_login_move_social_profiles() {
if ( function_exists( 'wc_social_login' ) ) {
remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_edit_account_form', array( wc_social_login()->get_frontend_instance(), 'render_social_login_profile' ) );
add_action( 'woocommerce_account_dashboard', array( wc_social_login()->get_frontend_instance(), 'render_social_login_profile' ) );
add_action( 'init', 'wc_social_login_move_social_profiles', 11 );
You can move buttons on the registration / login forms as well. By default, buttons are added to the end of the “log in” form, as registration forms aren’t always shown, and buttons work for both log in and registering new accounts. This will move them to the “registration” form instead.
<?php // only copy opening php if needed
* move social login buttons on account form from "login" to "register
function wc_social_login_move_register_buttons() {
if ( function_exists( 'wc_social_login' ) && ! is_admin() ) {
remove_action( 'woocommerce_login_form_end', array( wc_social_login()->get_frontend_instance(), 'render_social_login_buttons' ) );
add_action( 'woocommerce_register_form_end', array( wc_social_login()->get_frontend_instance(), 'render_social_login_buttons' ) );
add_action( 'init', 'wc_social_login_move_register_buttons' );

Sample: Add Social Login to WP Login / Registration

This document is provided as a courtesy for developers and designers. Please note that we do not support or offer customization services as part of our support policy. Any sample code provided is simply for reference.

Use of your personal data
We and our partners process your personal data (such as browsing data, IP Addresses, cookie information, and other unique identifiers) based on your consent and/or our legitimate interest to optimize our website, marketing activities, and your user experience.