WooCommerce Square: Frequently Asked Questions

Sync FAQs

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When I import from Square, some of my products are missing! Where are they!?

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When importing items from Square to WooCommerce, your items must match a couple of criteria:

  1. Items must be available at the Square location that’s linked to your WooCommerce store.
  2. Items must have a SKU set in Square. The SKU is used to match items between WooCommerce and Square, so we’ll need a SKU to import along with the item.

Why aren’t my product categories syncing correctly?

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While WooCommerce lets you set multiple categories and sub-categories, Square only accepts one category per product. Because of this limitation, if WooCommerce is set as Sync Setting, only the first or parent category will be sent to Square.

Can I change how often the automatic sync runs?

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Yes. By customizing the wc_square_sync_interval filter, you can change the automatic sync frequency. This value is stored in seconds, and the default is one hour (which is recommended for most sites, especially those with large product catalogs). Here’s a sample of how you can change the sync interval:

// sync every 15 minutes instead of every hour
add_filter('wc_square_sync_interval', function () {
    return MINUTE_IN_SECONDS * 15;
} );

Note: We are unable to provide support for customizations under our Support Policy. If you are unfamiliar with code/templates and resolving potential conflicts, contact a WooExpert.

If you are overriding the sync with the filter wc_square_sync_interval then a notice is displayed on the WooCommerce Square dashboard and the Sync Interval setting is turned off.

In addition to that, you need to access WooCommerce > Status > Scheduled Actions, search for wc_square_sync and then cancel the scheduled action for the same:

Finally, cross-check and confirm that wc_square_sync recurring interval reflects the updated wc_square_sync_interval

Why can’t I sync products with multiple attributes?

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Unlike WooCommerce, Square does not support multiple attributes. If you would like to sync multiple attributes from WooCommerce to Square, consider combining attributes into one product variation – for example, instead of a “color” attribute and a “size” attribute (e.g. black or blue and small or large), combine the two in your product variations (e.g. black-small, black-large, blue-small, blue-large).

Why aren’t my product images importing from Square to WooCommerce?

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When Square is set as the Sync Setting, product images are only imported for synced products that do not already have a featured image in place. If you would like to use the Square images in WooCommerce, remove the existing product image from WooCommerce before syncing.

I’ve set Square as the Sync Setting, so why are products missing from WooCommerce that I can see in Square?

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If a Square product is missing from WooCommerce, check to confirm that the missing product is listed under the same Square Location as defined in the plugin settings.

I’ve set WooCommerce as the Sync Setting, how do I update the stock for a product

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To update the stock for a product when WooCommerce is the Sync Setting, enter the quantity in the Stock Quantity field:

After the new quantity is entered, please click Update. This will push the stock quantity to the corresponding product in Square:

Note: With WooCommerce set as the sync setting (previously known as “System of Record”) , inventory changes in WooCommerce overwrite Square inventory. However, when “Sync Inventory” is enabled, regardless of your sync setting, inventory is pulled from Square every hour to account for POS sales. In such cases, any inventory editing needs to happen at Square. So even with WooCommerce as SOR, any change to the product name/price/image/category will sync into Square, but Square will always have the final say when it comes to stock.

How are sale prices synced between WooCommerce and Square?

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When Square is the sync setting, the base price in Square will always be imported as the Regular Price in WooCommerce. However, when WooCommerce is the sync setting, and there is a Sale Price set for a synced product in WooCommerce, that price will be set as the base price in Square for the matching product.

If Sync is enabled, will my sales data in Square be synced to WooCommerce?

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Unfortunately, sales orders are not synced. Currently, sync only work for Product and Inventory data.

Does WooCommerce Square integrate with Square Appointments?

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No, the Square Appointments feature is not available in the latest version of our WooCommerce Square plugin.

Will Automatic Sync trigger on days that my site has no traffic?

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The Square automatic sync works with Action Scheduler and Action Scheduler relies on WP-Cron unless your site is not using system Cron. This means that there is a possibility that the sync job will not trigger until there is some traffic on the site. That includes admins, so if you log in to your admin area, that’ll trigger the cron and thus the sync.

Payment FAQs

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Can I use the Square payment gateway without the inventory Sync?

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Yes, you can! If you do not want to sync inventory then please make sure of the below points:

1. Check none of your products are enabled to sync with Square.

Make sure this is unchecked for all products if you do not want to sync inventory

2. Enable the Square payment gateway from WooCommerce > Settings > Payment > Square

Does WooCommerce Square support Apple Pay?

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Yes. Apple Pay and Google Pay support has been added in version 2.3.0 with Square digital wallets.

Does WooCommerce Square support Subscriptions and Pre-Orders?

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Yes! If you enable Customer Profiles in the gateway settings, the WooCommerce Square gateway is compatible with Subscriptions and Pre-Orders.

Before this is done, you will see this warning notice Square is inactive for subscription transactions. Please enable tokenization to activate Square for Subscriptions. Tokenization refers to enabling the Customer Profiles option.

How does WooCommerce Square handle tax-inclusive pricing?

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WooCommerce Square does not support tax-inclusive pricing. Please ensure that your Square tax rates match your WooCommerce tax rates. If you have set your site to use tax-inclusive pricing (WooCommerce > Settings > Tax), you will see a notification when editing products to this effect.

How can I remove the Apple Pay and Google Pay buttons from either the product, cart or checkout page?

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By default, digital wallets (Apple Pay and Google Pay) will be displayed on all single products pages, the cart page and checkout. To remove them from one or more of these pages, you can use the following snippet:

add_filter( 'wc_square_display_digital_wallet_on_pages', function( $pages ) {
	return array(
		/* 'product', // Don't show Apple Pay and Google Pay on product pages */
}, 10, 1 );

This snippet will remove the digital wallets from the product page.

How can I enable Square Gift Card payments?

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Yes, you can enable or disable the gift cards feature in the Square payments settings under WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Square > Gift Card Settings:

Can I split my payment between my Gift Card and my Credit/Debit Card?

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Yes, the customer can split the payments between a Square Gift Card and a Credit/Debit card Card.

For example, if the order total is $30 and the Gift Card has a balance of $5, the customer can split the payment and pay the remaining $25 with a credit card.

Can I use Square gift cards for subscription products?

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For now, you cannot pay for subscription products with Gift Cards.


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Please refer to the Troubleshooting guide.