Notifications with WhatsApp

Send automated notifications with customizable templates in your WooCommerce Store.

Feature Overview

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With the Notifications with WhatsApp, you will have an integration with WhatsApp Cloud API to automatically send purchase data to buyers and sellers for the following actions:

  • New Order Notification for Sellers
  • New Order Notification for Customers
  • Update Order Status Notification for Customers
  • Abandoned Cart Notification for Customers
  • View Received Messages


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See the steps to install the plugin:

  1. Download the extension from your WooCommerce dashboard.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload and select the ZIP file you just downloaded.
  3. Click Install Now and then Activate.


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Go to menu WooCommerce > Notifications with WhatsApp:

WhatsApp Connection Settings Cloud API Credentials

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Enter your WhatsApp Cloud API credentials to connect your store and automatically send messages that have been configured in Message Templates.

Enable Log Cloud API -> Enable to record a log of communication between the store and the WhatsApp Cloud API on each purchase via WhatsApp

API Token -> Get your API token from WhatsApp

API Phone Number -> Get your API Phone number from WhatsApp

WhatsApp Business Account ID -> Get your Live WhatsApp Business Account ID from WhatsApp

Phone Number To -> Get your phone number that will be sent the message on WhatsApp. Example: 5511999999999

Enable check as default the input -> Enable to check as default the input: I want to receive order notifications via WhatsApp in checkout

WhatsApp Connection Webhook callback URL

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Subscribe to Webhooks to get notifications about messages your business receives. Read more

Webhook URL -> Url that must be added in the webhook Meta

Verify Token -> Token that must be added in the webhook Meta

Message Template New Order Seller

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Create the template message for sending new order messages to the seller:

Message Template New Order Customer

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Create the template message for sending new order messages to the customer:

Message Template Update Order Status Customer

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Create the template message for sending update order status messages to the customer:

Message Template Abandoned Cart Customer

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Create the template message for sending abandoned cart messages to the customer:

Received Messages

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View messages received on WhatsApp that sends notifications


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See how using the plugin works:

See how configure plugin:

Configuration Meta Business

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For the plugin to work, you need to make some settings within Meta Business, see how to configure it below:


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See the tutorial on how to configure Meta Business:

Create a Business Account

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Access the link and register your company, and then link this account to your business’s social networks (Facebook and Instagram)

To create an account you can also check: Create a Business Account in Meta Business Manager

To link this account to your company’s social networks, you can check: Add a Page to your Business Account

Verify your business

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To use WhatsApp features, it is important that you complete a Business verification.

This is necessary to be able to fully use WhatsApp Cloud API credentials without intermediaries. Only people with full control of a business account can complete this process.

To complete Business verification you can check: Verify your business

Generate WhatsApp Cloud API credentials

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Finally, we must generate a WhatsApp Cloud API credentials token temporary for tests.

To generate a token you can check: Using Authorization Tokens for the WhatsApp Business Platform or Add The WhatsApp Product To Your App

Creating a Permanent Access Token

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Knowing that you need to use a bearer token in the Authorization header of an HTTP request is helpful, but it’s not enough. The only access token you’ve seen so far is temporary. Chances are that you want your app to access the API for more than 24 hours, so you need to generate a longer-lasting access token.

To create a system user, do the following:

  1. Go to Business Settings.
  2. Select the business account your app is associated with.
  3. Below Users, click System Users.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Name the system user, choose Admin as the user role, and click Create System User.
  1. Select the whatsapp_business_messaging permission.
  2. Click Generate New Token.
  3. Copy and save your token.

Add a Real Business Number

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With your test business number and test WhatsApp business account, you can begin to develop your application.

When you use these test assets, you don’t pay to send messages as you work to develop your app.Once you are ready to start sending messages to your customers, you can add a real business phone number in the API Setup panel and create a real WhatsApp Business Account.

  1. Navigate to the Meta App that is set-up for WhatsApp by going to > My Apps > Select your App.
  2. Use left menu to navigate to the WhatsApp > API Setup panel.
  3. On the right pane select Add phone number button under Step 5: Add a phone number.

If your phone number is currently registered with WhatsApp Messenger or the WhatsApp Business App, you need to first delete it. You will not be able to use that number on the WhatsApp Business app simultaneously. Your number must be used on the Business Platform or Business App.

You can also check: Add a Phone Number

Configure Webhook Callback

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1 – To receive messages on WhatsApp that sends notifications In the APP go to WhatsApp > Configuration:

2 – In webhook, click edit and add the url and verification token generated by the plugin:

3 – After verifying the token, in Webhook fields, click Manage, select all fields and click done:

Message Templates

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WhatsApp message templates are specific message formats that companies use to send notifications or customer service messages to people who have opted in to receive notifications.

For the message to reach its destination, it is necessary to create the template for each model.


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See the tutorial on how to create the messages that will be sent:

Create Message Template New Order Seller / Customer

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1 – Create the template message for sending notifications for Seller and/or Customer

Name -> Name your message template
Languages -> Choose languages for your message template.
Header -> Add a title or choose which type of media you’ll use for this header
Footer -> Add a short line of text to the bottom of your message template
Body -> Enter the text for your message in the language you’ve selected

2 – After creating the model, click in button Sent to API and wait for the status to change to approved. (This approval may take up to 24 hours)

You can also track the approval status of the message template within Meta Business at: WhatsApp Manager > Account tools > Message templates

3 – Once approved, the status will change and the messages will be sent

Create Message Template Update Order Status Customer

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1 – Create the template message for sending update order status messages to the customer

Status Order -> Choose which order status represents this template message
Name -> Name your message template
Languages -> Choose languages for your message template.
Header -> Add a title or choose which type of media you’ll use for this header
Footer -> Add a short line of text to the bottom of your message template
Body -> Enter the text for your message in the language you’ve selected

2 – After creating the model, click in button Sent to API and wait for the status to change to approved. (This approval may take up to 24 hours)

You can also track the approval status of the message template within Meta Business at: WhatsApp Manager > Account tools > Message templates

3 – Once approved, the status will change and the messages will be sent

Create Message Template Abandoned Cart Customer

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1 –  Create the template message for sending abandoned cart messages to the customer

Name -> Name your message template
Languages -> Choose languages for your message template.
Header -> Add a title or choose which type of media you’ll use for this header
Footer -> Add a short line of text to the bottom of your message template
Body -> Enter the text for your message in the language you’ve selected

2 – After creating the model, click in button Sent to API and wait for the status to change to approved. (This approval may take up to 24 hours)

You can also track the approval status of the message template within Meta Business at: WhatsApp Manager > Account tools > Message templates

3 – Once approved, the status will change and the messages will be sent

Update Message Template

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After editing the message, it is important that you send the changes again by clicking the Update from API button

Exclude Message Template

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You can remove the message by clicking the Exclude from API button

Custom Field

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If you send a custom field in a notification, you can use the notifications_with_whatsapp_before_send_fields_message hook.

See an example of how to send Tracking number and Tracking url in the message:

 *  Fired before sending a message to WhatsApp
 *  This hook contains an empty string that must be the function's return with the desired value to be inserted in the custom field
 *  This hook contains an Order object (WC_Order) related to the message that will be triggered.
 *  Can be used to insert a non-default custom_field into the message.
 * @param string $custom_field Empty string to be changed
 * @param object $order Order (Wc_Order)
function my_custom_hook_notifications_with_whatsapp_before_send_fields_message( $custom_field, $order ){
    if ( function_exists( 'ast_get_tracking_items' ) ) {
        $order_id = $order->get_id();         
        $tracking_items = ast_get_tracking_items($order_id);
        foreach($tracking_items as $tracking_item){		
            $tracking_number = $tracking_item['tracking_number'];
            $tracking_provider = $tracking_item['formatted_tracking_provider'];
            $tracking_url = $tracking_item['formatted_tracking_link'];
            $date_shipped = date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), $tracking_item['date_shipped'] );							
    return 'Tracking number: ' . $tracking_number . '\n Tracking url: ' . $tracking_url;
add_filter( 'notifications_with_whatsapp_before_send_fields_message', 'my_custom_hook_notifications_with_whatsapp_before_send_fields_message', 10, 2 );
Use of your personal data
We and our partners process your personal data (such as browsing data, IP Addresses, cookie information, and other unique identifiers) based on your consent and/or our legitimate interest to optimize our website, marketing activities, and your user experience.