MYOB Error Codes

General Errors

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This section provides detailed explanations and troubleshooting steps for common error codes encountered when using the MYOB for WooCommerce Plugin.

General Errors

Error 401: Authorization Failure

Description: Error 401 occurs when the MYOB API fails to authenticate the plugin during the process of creating orders in MYOB from WooCommerce. This indicates that the plugin is not properly connected to your MYOB account.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Reconnect to MYOB:
    • Disconnect from the MYOB Company File.
    • Reconnect to the MYOB Company File through the plugin settings.
  2. Recheck Connection:
    • Deactivate the plugin and then reactivate it.
    • After reactivation, reconnect to MYOB to ensure a proper connection.

Error 400: Bad Request

Description: Error 400 is a general “Bad Request” error. It indicates that the request sent to MYOB was malformed or contained invalid data. The specific cause of the error is provided in the error message, allowing you to identify and resolve the issue.

Error 400 and the Associated Messages

Error CodeError NameMessageAdditional DetailsExplanationSolution
1000ValidationErrorCommonRules_StringRequiredItemNumber:(Item)The SKU and stock quantity are required to create a new item in MYOB, but one or both are missing.Update the product in WooCommerce to include a valid SKU and stock quantity.
32002InvalidTaxCodeCannot use ‘Import Duty’ or ‘Input Taxed’ code on SalesLines[0].TaxCode.UIDThe default tax code for new products is incorrectly set to an unsupported value in MYOB.Adjust the “Default Tax Code for New Products” setting under WooCommerce > Settings > MYOB AccountRight.
50SerializationErrorError converting value {null} to type ‘System.Guid’Lines[0].Item.UID, line 1, position 454.The ordered item was not found in MYOB, and the option to create missing products is disabled.Enable the “Create Product in MYOB if Not Found” option in WooCommerce > Settings > MYOB AccountRight.

Detailed Error Descriptions and Solutions

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  1. Error Code 1000 – ValidationError:
    • Explanation: This error occurs when attempting to create a new item in MYOB without a valid SKU or stock quantity. Both fields are mandatory in MYOB for item creation.
    • Solution: Ensure that all products in WooCommerce have a valid SKU and stock quantity before attempting to sync with MYOB.
  2. Error Code 32002 – InvalidTaxCode:
    • Explanation: MYOB does not allow certain tax codes like “Import Duty” or “Input Taxed” to be applied to sales. This error indicates that the default tax code set in WooCommerce is not compatible with MYOB’s rules.
    • Solution: Go to WooCommerce > Settings > MYOB AccountRight and change the “Default Tax Code for New Products” to a valid tax code supported by MYOB.
  3. Error Code 50 – SerializationError:
    • Explanation: This error happens when the plugin attempts to sync an order that includes a product not found in MYOB. The “Create Product in MYOB if Not Found” option is disabled, leading to the error.
    • Solution: Enable the “Create Product in MYOB if Not Found” option in WooCommerce > Settings > MYOB AccountRight to allow the plugin to create missing products in MYOB during the sync process.

Additional Error Codes

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Error Codes and Solutions

Error CodeCauseSolution
403 ForbiddenThe company file username or password is incorrect.Verify the company file username and password with your MYOB Administrator. Ensure that the correct credentials are entered in the plugin settings.
400 Bad RequestGeneral request error due to incomplete information.Ensure all necessary information is configured in the plugin, including tax codes, accounts, customer details, and product data within the order. Double-check the configuration.
404 Not FoundThe requested resource was not found, often due to an outdated MYOB Company File.Upgrade your MYOB AccountRight Company File to the latest version. Visit the MYOB downloads page to download and install the latest version.

Detailed Error Descriptions and Solutions

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  1. Error Code 403 – Forbidden:
    • Cause: This error indicates that the credentials used to access the MYOB company file are incorrect. The plugin is unable to authenticate with MYOB due to an invalid username or password.
    • Solution:
      • Verify the username and password with your MYOB Administrator.
      • Ensure the correct credentials are entered in the MYOB settings within the WooCommerce plugin configuration.
  2. Error Code 400 – Bad Request:
    • Cause: A general error indicating that the request sent to MYOB is incomplete or malformed. This can be due to missing or incorrect information in the plugin configuration, such as tax settings, account mappings, or missing product/customer details.
    • Solution:
      • Review and complete all necessary configurations in the plugin settings.
      • Ensure that all tax codes, account mappings, customer details, and product information are properly set before syncing data with MYOB.
  3. Error Code 404 – Not Found:
    • Cause: This error occurs when the requested resource cannot be found, often due to an outdated MYOB AccountRight Company File. MYOB may return this error if the API endpoint expects a resource that doesn’t exist in the current version of the file.
    • Solution:
      • Upgrade your MYOB AccountRight Company File to the latest version.
      • Visit the MYOB downloads page to download and install the latest version of MYOB AccountRight.

These error codes and their corresponding messages help diagnose and resolve common issues when syncing data between WooCommerce and MYOB, ensuring smoother integration and fewer disruptions in your business operations.