How to Implement Rank Feature in Affiliate Plugin

Step 1: Configure Rank Settings in Admin

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  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the WooCommerce menu on the left side.
  3. Click on the “Affiliate and Referral” submenu under the WooCommerce menu.
  4. Go to the “Rank Setting” tab.
  5. Here you can Add/Edit Ranks by providing the following details:
    • Rank Name: The name of the rank.
    • Rank Description: A brief description of what this rank signifies.
    • Rank Commission: The commission rate associated with this rank.
    • Rank Priority: Order in which the ranks are assigned.
    • Rank Requirement: Criteria for achieving the rank (e.g., Signup as an affiliate, Personally sponsor an affiliate, Total affiliates in an organization, Reach a certain rank).

Step 2: Affiliate Generates Referral Link

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  1. Affiliate logs in to their account dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the “Affiliate Tool” tab within the dashboard.
  3. Click on the “Generate Link” button to create a unique referral link.
  4. Copy the referral link and share it with potential customers.

Step 3: Customer Registration and Rank Assignment

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  1. Customers register using the referral link and then click on “Become an Affiliate”.
  2. rank will be assigned to the customer if a rank was created with the requirement “Signup as an affiliate”.
    • Other rank requirements such as Personally sponsor an affiliate, Total affiliates in an organization, or Reaching a specific rank will be checked and assigned accordingly.

Step 4: Rank Bonus Tracking

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  1. Once a rank is assigned, rank bonuses may be generated based on the settings.
  2. The rank bonus will be visible in the Referral tab in the admin panel.

Following these steps, you can effectively configure and utilize the rank feature, enabling affiliates to achieve ranks and receive bonuses based on their activity in the WooCommerce Affiliate Program.