Accept credit card payments on your WooCommerce shop with Ingenico ( Ogone Platform). Payment transactions take place on Ingenico’s secure servers, meaning your site never handles sensitive credit card data, and your customer’s payment information is secure. This document will show you how to setup and configure the extension to work with your Ingenico account.
As of WooCommerce 8.3, Cart and Checkout blocks are available as the default experience. Ingenico Gateway (Ogone Platform) for WooCommerce is now compatible with those blocks!
To configure the plugin to accept payments, you’ll first need to log into and configure your Ingenico account. Note that there are two back offices, one that you log into with a test account, and the other that you log into with a live account:
Go to Configuration > Technical Information > Global Security Parameters and set the Hash algorithm to SHA-256. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and hit “Save”.
2. Go to Configuration > Technical Information > Data and Origin Verification and enter the base URL of your WooCommerce site, i.e. (if your site uses SSL on the checkout page then don’t forget to include HTTPS in the url: On that same page, enter a SHA-IN pass phrase of your choosing. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and hit “Save”.
3. Go to Configuration > Technical Information > Transaction Feedback and ensure the box is checked “I would like to receive transaction feedback parameters on the redirection URLs.”:
4. Under Direct HTTP server-to-server request, ensure that “Timing of the request” setting is set to “No request”:
5. Further down on that same page (Transaction Feedback) and under “Dynamic e-Commerce parameters” ensure that COMPLUS, NCERROR, ORDERID, PAYID, and STATUS are listed in the “Selected” box:
Note to existing customers: if you previously purchased the plugin and did not configure the COMPLUS setting, you may see a notice in your WooCommerce admin instructing you to configure this setting within Ingenico and then click “complete” on the message. It’s important that you perform both steps so as to avoid interruptions in your ability to process credit cards.
Optional Step: You can optionally select the parameters CARDNO, BRAND, and ED to display the last four digits of the credit card account number, the card brand, and the expiration date in the WooCommerce admin order notes.
Scroll a bit further down this same page (Transaction Feedback) and set a SHA-OUT pass phrase of your choosing. Finally scroll to the bottom of the page and hit “Save”.
Note that if you wish to run test transactions you’ll have to follow the above steps twice: first for your test account, and then again for your live account when you’re ready to accept customer payments.
Once your Ingenico back office settings are complete, you’ll need to log into your WooCommerce admin and configure the Ingenico Gateway (Ogone Platform) for WooCommerce plugin.
Ingenico (Ogone Platform) Admin Settings
Enable/Disable – This will enable the gateway to be used by customers to checkout.
Testing – Set to “Yes” to use with a test account. Set to “No” when you’re ready to start accepting live payments.
Title – This is the text shown for the payment during checkout and on the Order Received page.
Description – This is the text shown under the title during checkout. Limited HTML is allowed.
Ingenico PSPID – The PSPID for your account, provided by Ingenico. Note that you should have a different PSPID for testing mode vs. live mode.
SHA-IN – This is the SHA-IN passcode you created while configuring your account in step 2 above.
SHA-OUT – This is the SHA-OUT passcode you created while configuring your account in step 6 above.
Template Page – Optional URL (full, not relative — ex: to a template page that can be used to customize the payment form (here’s Ingenico’s documentation). The URL must be on the same server as your site.
Debug Mode – Enable this is you are having issues correctly processing transactions. All debugging messages are cleaned of sensitive information before display, but as a best practice, please do not enable this unless you are having issues with the plugin.
Enable debug mode to the checkout page and review the transaction requests/responses for errors as per the instructions below:
Step 1: Ingenico error logs – Log into your Ingenico back office and go to Configuration > Error Logs to view any transaction errors logged by Ingenico:
Step 2: Review error codes by checking for the following errors:
If you get an error that says “unknown order/1/r“, this means that the “Data and origin verification” tab, “Checks for e-Commerce” section of the Technical Information page is misconfigured. The referrer detected by the plugin is not a URL the merchant has entered in the URL field. This page is most likely displayed after clicking “Place Order”:Solution: Check your URL setting as described in step 2 above.
You will get the “unknown order/1/s” error message if the “Data and origin verification” tab, “Checks for e-Commerce” section of the Technical Information page is misconfigured.The SHASIGN sent for the transaction does not match the SHASIGN calculated at Ingenico’s end using the details of the order and the additional string (password/pass phrase) entered in the SHA-IN Signature field. This page is most likely displayed after clicking “Place Order”:Solution: Check your SHA-IN setting in the Ingenico back office and plugin configuration, as described in step 2 above.
Once you’ve checked these common configuration issues and confirmed setup is correct, please submit a support ticket, ideally with the debug log as an attachment, along with any relevant order notes and errors logged in the Ogone backoffice.
A: This is the same plugin as what was previously called Ogone. We’ve updated the branding to reflect that Ingenico is behind the Ogone platform with which the plugin integrates. Everything else about the plugin remains the same.
Q: WooCommerce 2.2 added the ability to process automatic refunds. Does this gateway support automatic refunds?
A: Unfortunately automatic refunds are not possible with Ingenico (Ogone Platform). We are following the developer documentation for updates and will add this to the roadmap if it becomes possible in the future.
Q: I’m still getting SHA errors, but my SHA settings match! What’s wrong?
A: On the Configuration > Technical Information > Transaction Feedback page, please ensure that only COMPLUS, NCERROR, ORDERID, PAYID and STATUS are selected. (Optionally, CARDNO, BRAND and ED are also permitted.) Any other selected options will cause SHA errors, so please deselect any options that are not listed above.