Exporter for WooCommerce Points and Rewards


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  • WooCommerce 3.5+
  • WooCommerce Points and Rewards 1.6.31+


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  1. Download the exporter-for-woocommerce-points-and-rewards.zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin. Choose File with the file you downloaded.
  3. Install Now and Activate Plugin.

Setup and Configuration

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How to use

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After activating Exporter for WooCommerce Points and Rewards,

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Points and Rewards > Settings > Points Export Settings.
  2. Under Points Export Setting, there are two export options:
    • Points Log
    • Customer Points
  3. Additionally, admins can filter by users/user roles to retrieve the corresponding user points data easily.
Points Log option

To export by Points Log,

  • Admin can choose to filter and export by the following individual customer events, Product Review, Account Signup, Point Expired, Order Earned, Order Redeemed, Admin Adjustment and also through any custom actions if available.
  • Admins can also select specific columns to export such as User ID, Username, First Name, Last Name, Email, Points, Events, Order ID and Date.

Click Export and your CSV file will generate (similar to as shown below):

Customer Points option

To export by Customer Points,

  • Admin can select specific columns to export customer available points such as User ID, Username, First Name, Last Name, Email and Available Points.
  • Click Export and your CSV file will generate (similar to as shown below):

Supported Extensions

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  • Enhancements for WooCommerce Points and Rewards