Ultimate Refunds


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  • WooCommerce 5.0.0+


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  1. Download the ultimate-refunds.zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File.
  3. Install Now and Activate the extension.

Setup and Configuration

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How to use

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After activation of Ultimate Refunds, navigate to: WooCommerce > Refunds > Settings to setup the plugin settings.


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  1. Enable Allow Refund Requests so that customers can start requesting a refund on their My account page.
  2. Customer can claim a refund based upon the WooCommerce order statuses selected under Allowed Order Statuses for Refund Request option. By default, customer can claim their refund under Processing/Completed status.
  3. Refund requests can be submitted within the stipulated time by the customers. Using the option Refund Request Period in Days the refund request button can be displayed to the customers till the number of days entered from the order completion date. If no value is entered then the refund request button will be displayed for older orders too.

Partial Refunds

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  1. Enable Allow Partial Refunds so that customers can start requesting a refund for the individual products in an order on their My account page.
  2. Tax can be claimed while customers requesting a refund when Allow Refunds with Tax option is enabled.

Automatic Refunds

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  1. Enable Allow Automatic Refunds so that customers can claim a refund instantly on their My account page.
  2. To restock the refunded items automatically enable the option Allow Restock Items option.

Note: Automatic Refunds will work only if the payment gateway you are using supports “refunds“.

Offer Coupons

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  1. Coupons can be offered to customers instead of money for the refund. If the customer is planning to buy another product from the store, he /she can use the coupon which is offered to buy that product in the store.
  2. Use the below steps for coupon creation,
    • Coupon Code Type – To create the coupon either with Alphanumeric or Numeric value.
    • Coupon Code Length – To specify the length of the coupon code.
    • Coupon Code Prefix – To specify the prefix for the coupon code.
    • Coupon Code Suffix – To specify the suffix for the coupon code.
    • Coupon Expire in Days – Set the number of the days for the coupon expiration.

Request Form

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  1. Refund Request form can be optionally displayed in Popup when the Show in Popup option is enabled.
  2. A reason for the refund can be customized using the option Refund Reasons which will be used for the customers to choose their desired reason.


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  1. The refund request button can be displayed to the customers only when the order amount reaches the minimum value set in the option Minimum Order Amount to Claim Refund.
  2. To hide the refund request button for specific user roles then use the option Disable User Role(s).

Account Page

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  1. Refund Requests Endpoint – Endpoint to append to your page URL to handle Refund Requests on the account page.
  2. View Refund Request Endpoint – Endpoint to append to your page URL to handle View Refund Request on the account page.
  3. Enable Conversation – If the customer wants to chat with the Store Owner for the specific refund request, they can enable this option.