With the
Shipping Locations Pro extension installed, shop managers and administrators can use either newly created states or pre-loaded states in their shipping zone setup
without needing postcodes/zipcodes.
To use a custom state/location as a shipping zone, please follow these steps:
- Create a new state for the country you’d like to target as outlined in the Creating New States guide
- Navigate to the WooCommerce shipping settings at WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping Zones
- Create a new zone and select newly created state from the Zone regions dropdown field
- Add suitable shipping methods for that shipping zone as dictated by the business requirements
- Click on Save
Shipping Location Pro provices shop owners and administrators with a
full list of states/locations that can be used in shipping zone regions. To use these pre-loaded list of states, please follow these steps:
- Navigate to the WooCommerce shipping settings at WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping Zones
- Create a new zone and select any of the pre-loaded states from the Zone regions dropdown field
- Add suitable shipping methods for that shipping zone as dictated by the business requirements
- Click on Save