How to assign gift certificates to user

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers, extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a gift certificate manually for the customer within your WooCommerce store.

Steps to assign a gift certificate to a user manually

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  1. Go to your WordPress Admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Marketing > Coupons > Add coupon.
  3. Click on ‘Generate coupon code’ or enter your own code.
  4. Select ‘Store Credit/Gift Certificate’ as the Discount type from the drop-down.
  5. Enter the Coupon amount as per your requirement.

    Smart Coupons - Configure Gift Certificate
  6. Under the “Usage restriction” tab, in the “Allowed emails” field, enter the email address of the user to whom you want to assign the gift certificate. This way, the gift certificate will be visible to them on the Cart, Checkout and My Account pages when they log in.

    Smart Coupons - Assign Gift certificate to user
    Smart Coupons - Assigned coupon in My account page
  7. Publish the coupon.

That’s it.

The admin can just add a gift certificate manually to a user without having to send an email with a gift certificate to the user.

Hint: You can also rename the ‘Store Credit/Gift Certificate’ by referring to the documentation here.