Express checkout methods allow customers to quickly pay for a product or service using pre-filled information from an existing account. The result is a completed purchase with very little “friction,” which can help lead to increased conversion rates.
With the Stripe extension, there are three express checkout methods available:
This guide will cover the requirements for offering express payment methods and how to enable them on your site.
Site requirements
↑ Back to topTo properly display express payment methods via the Stripe extension:
- Your domain must have a valid SSL certificate.
- Your entire site must be served over HTTPS.
Additional Apple Pay requirements
↑ Back to topIn addition to the site requirements above, Apple Pay also requires that:
- Your server has port
open. - Your server supports the TLS 1.2 protocol or later.
- Your domain is enabled on your Stripe account’s payment method domains page.
NOTE: Apple Pay requires a domain association file to be hosted on your site. The Stripe extension automatically creates this file for you.
Additional Google Pay requirements
↑ Back to topIn addition to the site requirements above, Google Pay also requires that:
- Your domain is enabled on your Stripe account’s payment method domains page.
Additional Link by Stripe requirements
↑ Back to topIn addition to the site requirements above, Link by Stripe also requires that:
- Your Stripe account is based in one of the following countries: the United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, or any European country.
Enabling express checkouts
↑ Back to topTo enable express payment methods in the Stripe extension:
- Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Stripe > Payment Methods.
- Scroll down to the Express checkouts section.
- Select which of the express payment methods you’d like to enable.
- Select the Save changes button when you are finished.
NOTE: Apple Pay and Google Pay cannot be enabled separately.
Customizing Apple Pay and Google Pay
↑ Back to topAfter saving your payment method settings, you can customize how Apple Pay and Google Pay buttons appear on your site by selecting the Customize button.

When customizing Apple Pay and Google Pay, you can change:
- Which of the following pages these buttons will appear on:
- The checkout page.
- Individual product pages.
- The cart page.
- The call to action used in the buttons.
- The size of the buttons.
- The color theme of the buttons.
A preview of the buttons is also shown so that you can see how these customizations will appear before saving your changes.
Feature compatibility
↑ Back to topExpress checkout methods are very similar to regular card payments. As a result, they are compatible with many of the same features, but not quite all of them.
Extra fields on the checkout page
↑ Back to topExpress checkout methods are not compatible with extensions like Checkout Field Editor, which are commonly used to add additional fields on the checkout page.
Can I use only the express checkout methods and not take card payments?
↑ Back to topFirst, it’s important to note that express checkout methods are card payments. The payment is still processed like a card because a customer is effectively using the card details that are saved to their Apple, Google, or Link account.
That said, you may want to offer these express payment methods without displaying the card payment fields on your site’s checkout page. If this is the case, then you can hide the card fields by adding some CSS to your site.
NOTE: This will only work for the shortcode checkout, not the block checkout!
/* Hide the Stripe card fields on shortcode checkout page */
body.woocommerce-checkout .payment_method_stripe {
display: none;
Authorize and capture later
↑ Back to topExpress checkout methods are compatible with the authorize and capture setting. In other words, you can manually capture authorized charges paid for with any of the express checkout methods.
Test mode
↑ Back to topYes, express checkout methods can be tested via test mode.