Ultimate Memberships

Setup and Configuration

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Dashboard of WooCommerce Membership plugin:

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The dashboard displays all memberships plans within a bar chart based on the total number of members each plan has. Just below the bar chart, the WooCommerce Membership extension display a summary of each plan which includes the total members, active, pending and expired members.

Creating new membership plan:

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Go to WP admin > Ultimate Membership > Membership Plans. Here, the grid view will list all membership plans that you have created. You can add more or click an existing one to view its settings and make edits. Click on “Add New” to new membership plans. While creating new membership plans, you can customize the plans with the following options:
  • Plan name and access requirement
  • Content restrictions (Posts, pages, tags, post types)
  • Products & category restrictions (Hide entire product, prices or add to cart)
  • Discounts (fixed or percentage)
  • Members Area (What members would see in my account page)
  • Emails (Membership status email alerts)

Step 1: Plan access requirements:

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Under general settings tab, you can configure:
  • Plan name
  • Slug
  • Grant access on
    • Manually Assignment
    • User Account Registration
    • User Account Registration (Manual Validation)
    • Product Purchase
  • Membership length
    • Unlimited
    • Date range
    • Number of days
  • Members Area
Manual Assignment:  Admin will manually add new members to plan. User Account Registration: Newly registered users will be automatically added as a member to the plan. For existing users, the admin will need to manually add existing users to the plan. User Account Registration (Manual Validation): The new user will require manual approval before they can enroll in the plan as a member. Product Purchase: The user must purchase a specific product(s) to become a member. Previous purchases do not count. Members Area: You can choose to control what your members of the plan will see in the Members Area under My-Account page. Enable/disable any of the following sections:
  • Content – displays all posts, pages and additional content.
  • Products – displays purchasable and viewable products.
  • Discounts – lists all products associated with membership-only discounts.
  • Notes – displays all notes sent to the customer and notified via email (excluding internal membership notes).
  • Manage – displays membership details (i.e. action links and status).

Content restrictions:

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Under the Content tab, you are able to assign specific pages, posts, post types, post categories and post tags to members-only access. Once assigned to this membership plan, these selected posts and pages will only be accessible to members of this plan. These will immediately be hidden from visitors and members who belong to other plans unless the those plans includes access to these pages and posts.
  • Only members can view (The selected content will be made available to members of this plan)
  • Grant access
    • Immediately (Immediately grant access to content
    • After number of days (Grant access to content after X days)
Note: From within the Visibility Settings tab, you can choose to hide content completely, show excerpts or redirect user to another link.

Product & category restrictions:

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From the Products tab, you can manage the visibility of products and categories. Here are the four different types of visibility options: Restriction type
  • Only members can view & purchase: Non-members wont be able to see the product or purchase it.
  • Only members can purchase: Non-members are able to see products and its prices but the add to cart button will not be available. Members will be able to see and purchase the product.
  • Only members can purchase and see prices: Non-members are able to see the product but not the price and add to cart button. Only members will be able to see prices and purchase the product.
  • Only members can view: Non-members cannot see product. Whereas, members will be able to view the product but cannot see prices and add to cart button.
Grant access
    • Immediately (Immediately grant access to content
    • After number of days (Grant access to content after X days)
From Visibility settings tab, you can choose to entirely hide the restricted products from listing pages which includes default category, shop and default search results page. Note: If you are using Ajax search or any other custom search plugin, the pages may not be hidden in such cases. Please reach out to support for compatibility resolution.


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From the Discounts tab, you can offer price cuts on selected products and product categories. You can set a different discount for each product and category in fixed or percentage amount. Grant discount:
  • Immediately (Immediately offer discount)
  • After number of days (Offer discount after X days)
Note: You can exclude on-sale products from discount rules. You can access this setting from UL Membership > Settings > General. From within General settings, you can choose to exclude on-sale products from these discounts.


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You can configure plan-specific email content and send emails to users when membership plans are:
  • Activated
  • Pending
  • Ending Soon
  • Ended
  • Renewal
You can use the following variables to personalize the email body:
  • Member first name
  • Member last name
  • Member full name
  • Membership plan
  • Membership expiry date
  • Membership remaining days
  • Membership view URL
In order to customize the email subject and other details, please go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails.

Managing members:

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The extension provides a separate grid listing for all members enrolled in different plans. You can filter members by status, current plan and more.
  • Add or editing members
  • Basic membership detail
  • Member profile fields
  • Member notes

Adding or editing member:

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View or edit existing member details: In order to view or edit the details of existing members, click on the member’s name to access their details. You can access the members list from WP Admin > Ultimate Membership > Members. Adding new members: In order to add new member, click on “Add new.” You can search user by name or email. The member must be an existing registered user. If not registered, you will need to add new member as a registered user first. You can do so by clicking the “Add new user” button.

Basic membership detail

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You can view or edit the current membership plan, start date, end date and current status. The extension displays a brief history of different membership plans the user had before along with their start and end date.

Member profile fields

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The profile fields section shows the data of custom fields filled by customer during registration, checkout or from my account page.

Member notes

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The member notices section allows admin to add notes for internal user or notify users via email. For notes that have the checkbox, “Notify member via email” selected, thesee will be displayed on the My Account page under Members Area and an email alert will be sent. Any other notes added but do not have Notify member via email” applied will remain here for admin users only, no email notification will be sent to the customer and this won’t appear on the My Account page under Members Area.

Import / Export Members

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With the release of version 1.1.0, you can now import and export members along with following details. Go to UL Membership > Settings > Import.
  • member id
  • user name
  • member email
  • member plan
  • member status
  • member since
  • member expiry date
  • membership granted date
  • member notes

Custom Profile Fields

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You can add custom fields to collect extra information from your customers. In order view and add new custom fields, go to WP Admin > Ultimate Membership > Profile Fields.
  • Adding custom fields
  • Field types (9 included)
  • Fields dependable to membership plan
  • Field display control (Admin/User)
  • Field placement (Checkout, Registration, My Account & Admin only)

Adding custom field:

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Click on “Add New” to add additional custom fields. The new custom fields form will display as the below. While creating the new field,  you can also choose to customize the field label, place holder and other settings as explained below. From the Field Priority section (displayed on the right rail), you can customize the order that the field displays, enable/disable the field and make it a mandatory.

Field types (9 included)

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You can choose from 9 different field types:
  • Text, Text area
  • Email, Number
  • File upload
  • Dropdown, multi-select
  • Radio and checkbox

Fields dependable to membership plan

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You can make fields dependable to any membership plan. The fields dependable to a membership plan will appear in My-Account and checkout page of existing members. Whereas, new members will be able to see these fields during the registration process. Only plans that are linked to user account registration will be able to see those fields on the registration form. If there are multiple registration plans on account creation and account creation with manual approval, then both plans will appear as a dropdown on the registration form and the fields will be displayed based on the selected plan. If you want to show fields to all types of users during registration,  the dependable fields section can be left blank. Please note the that fields will only appear on the registration form if you have created a plan on account creation. On checkout, the field will appear if the user is a member of any plan.

Field display control (Admin/User)

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You can choose to display fields to Admin Only or both Admin and the User. On the Members detail page,  the admin can add information in the fields for Admin User only and these will remain hidden from customer.

Field Placement (Checkout, Registration, My Account & Admin only)

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You can choose to display fields on:
  • Checkout (displayed only under the new membership fields section on checkout page)
  • Registration (displayed on registration form)
  • My Account (displayed under account details tab in My Account page)
  • Admin Only (this field is for admin use only and will not appear anywhere on frontend for customer)

Configuration Settings:

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The Settings section of the extension enables you to configure different options of membership plans, members, discounts, custom messages and more.
  • General settings (exclude on sale items and redirects after login/signup)
  • Visibility settings (exclude on sale items from discount, restriction modes)
  • Messages settings (blog post, pages, products and discounts)
  • Members settings (GDPR, force membership)

General settings

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From the General tab, you can control the following settings: Exclude on sale items: Exclude on sale products from discount (does not apply membership discounts if the product is already on sale.) Redirect after login and registration: You can choose to redirect users after login and registration to any internal page, members area or any custom URL.

Visibility settings

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You can choose from three restrictions modes when the product or page is hidden:
  • Hide entire page (shows 404 when non-member try to access the restricted page)
  • Show restriction message (shows page title, excerpts (optional) and restriction messages)
  • Send to another  (redirect to another page or URL)
You can also choose to hide entire page from shop, category and other listing pages.

Messages settings

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You can configure separate messages for blog posts, pages, products and discounts. The Messages tab will only appear if you have selected the “Hide Content Only” from the dropdown in General Settings. The messages includes:
  • Product(s) Purchase Required to access the post, page, product or get discount
  • Membership Required to access the post, page, product or get discount
  • Before Required Date the post, page, product or discount will be available after X days

Members settings

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From the Members settings tab, you can control the following options:
  • Force Registration with Plan (if selected, the plans dropdown on the registration form will display “no plan”  and the user will be forced to select a plan)
  • Delete Membership Data (GDPR – delete membership data when user account is deleted/removed from site)