Conditional Payment Methods For WooCommerce

Conditional Payment Methods For WooCommerce helps you to show/hide available payment methods based on the customer’s billing or shipping address, or order total. This allows you to increase conversions, reduce abandonment and fraud and payment processing fees.


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  1. Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go toWordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New to upload the file you downloaded.
  3. Activate the extension.

More information at: Installing and Managing Plugins.

Enable plugin updates

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Please follow the steps listed here to enable plugin updates for Conditional Payment Methods For WooCommerce.

Setup and Configuration

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To find the settings, go to WordPress Admin > WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Conditions.

Conditional Payment Methods For WooCommerce
  1. Name of the condition: Give the condition a name for your reference.
  2. Show/Hide: Select whether you want to include or exclude payment methods on the checkout page
  3. Payment Methods: Select payment methods that you want to show/hide on the checkout page
  4. Rules: Here you can add rules which will determine whether to show/hide payment methods on the checkout page.


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Currently, the following rules are available:

  1. Billing country in/not in
  2. Billing state/county in/not in
  3. Billing city in/not in
  4. Billing postcode in/not in
  5. Shipping country in/not in
  6. Shipping state/county in/not in
  7. Shipping city in/not in
  8. Shipping postcode in/not in
  9. Cart subtotal is greater/less than or equal to

How does it work?

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Suppose you have set up exclude all payment methods except Direct Bank Transfer if the cart subtotal is greater than $1000 AND the billing country is the United States (US). This is how you can set it up:

Conditional Payment Methods For WooCommerce


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1. If a payment method is not shown on the checkout page (since the rules are not met), will it automatically show up if the rules are met?

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Questions and Support

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Have a question before you buy it? Please fill out this pre-sales form.

Already purchased and need some assistance? Get in touch with the developer.