Membership Suite for WooCommerce – Transferring Membership Plans

Using membership transferring feature, you can allow members of a membership plan to transfer their plan to another user on the site. Once transferred successfully, membership privileges for the old user will be removed completely and the new user will get the privileges. The old user will not have any relation with the membership.

Setting Up

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Create membership plans by following the steps in Creating Membership Plan

In “Membership Transfer” tab,

  • Enable “Allow Membership Transfer” to allow members to transfer their membership plan to another user.
  • By default membership will be transferred automatically to another user with “Active” status. If you want to manually activate the membership for the new user, then in “Approve Membership Transfer” option, select “Manually by admin” so that for the new user, the membership will be in “Pending” status and you have to activate it manually.


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  • To transfer their membership plan to another user, members need to go to their “My Account Page > Memberships” and in the specific membership plan row, they can see the “Transfer” button.
  • When the button is clicked, they will be asked to enter the email address of the user for which they need to transfer the membership.
  • If the email address is valid for transfer, then membership will be transferred successfully to the new user.