Simplify Commerce by Mastercard

The Simplify Commerce by Mastercard gateway for WooCommerce allows you to take credit card payments directly on your store.

  • Service is currently only available to U.S. merchants currently
  • Simplify Commerce has a Prohibited Businesses list

Note: Simplify Commerce has been removed as a core payment option from WooCommerce and retired from our catalog; documentation is no longer being updated. Current users can continue using it without disruption, as there is backwards compatibility. New users should download from


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To use this integration, you must have:
  • A Simplify Commerce account
  • An SSL certificate
  • A server with CURL support — to communicate with the API
  • PHP 5.3+ — a requirement of the SDK used
  • WooCommerce 2.0+

Setup and Configuration

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Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout > Simplify Commerce. Select Sign up for Simplify Commerce to get started. Approval or denial happens nearly instantly. Sign up for Simplify Commerce Once approved, there are some further fields to go over.
  • Enable Simplify Commerce – Check this box to enable the gateway and make it available to your customers.
  • Title – This is what your customer will see when selecting the gateway they want to use when checking out.
  • Description – Used alongside the title to include more information about this gateway.
  • Payment Mode – Two options on how you want the card form to appear.
    • Standard – The card field appears on the checkout page
    • Hosted Payments – Hosted Payments must be enabled in your API Keys settings.
      • With SSL: A modal dialog will appear on your checkout page.
      • Without SSL: Customers are redirected to Simplify Commerce’s secure site to pay.
  • Modal Color – Only available with Hosted Payments selected above in Payment Mode.
  • Sandbox – Enabling sandbox mode will allow you to test orders using the test credit card numbers found here: Simplify – Test order credit card numbers. Sandbox mode does not require an SSL certificate. Be sure Sandbox mode is disabled on a live site, also so you can enter your Public & Private Keys.
  • Public Key – This is your live key found on your API Keys section for live payments. SSL is needed.
  • Private Key – This is your live key found on your API Keys section for live payments. SSL is needed.
  • Sandbox Public Key – Must have Sandbox enabled to use this field.
  • Sandbox Private Key – Must have Sandbox enabled to use this field.
Simplify Commerce Settings
Get Your API Keys Simplify Commerce
Getting Your API Keys from Simplify Commerce


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The payment method is not showing.

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If you have Sandbox disabled, an SSL certificate must be installed on your site to use Simplify Commerce. Another issue may be that your base location is not set to the United States.

I’m getting an API error.

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Ensure you have input the correct Public & Private Keys (not test keys) and that Sandbox is disabled.

Does this extension support recurring payments in Subscriptions?

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As of WooCommerce 2.2+, Simplify now works with both manual and automatic recurring payments in our Subscriptions extension.

Terms and Conditions

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Simplify Commerce may ask that the website contains a Terms and Conditions page before approving your account. If you need help setting this up, see the Advanced section on the Configuring WooCommerce Settings documentation.

How can I send a second invoice from Simplify to my customers?

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This is not something that WooCommerce handles at the moment. In this case, please contact Simplify to set that up and read their documentation on sending customer invoices.